Thursday, March 01, 2007

Spikenard Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil, The 3rd Highest In Sesquiterpenes Of All Known Oils

Dear Friends,

Plant Origin: India

Extraction Method: Steam distilled from roots

Spikenard is a wonderful Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil that has been used for centuries throughout the world. The oil comes from an aromatic rhizome and has long been used in India and other areas as an ingredient in perfume, medicines, skin tonics, incense, and as a mood enhancer..

One of the most famous uses of spikenard in history is that it was used by Mary Magdalene to anoint the feet of Jesus before the Last Supper. It was a highly prized and expensive oil at that time. There's actually a famous scene in the Bible when Judas complains that the oil was used on Jesus instead of being sold and the money given to the poor.

According to the Bible, Jesus replied that the poor will be with us always but he would not always be there.

Spikenard Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil, an incredibly useful in traditionally Japanese and Ayurvedic medicine. Spikenard is a relative of valerian, and it has many of the same uses as that oil. It is thought to calm the nerves, strengthen the mind and sharpen the senses.

Spikenard is a soothing and relaxing Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil that has been used to treat nervous disorders.

In addition to its use as a perfume, Spikenard Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil has also been used for its sedative like qualities to fight insomnia.

Spikenard Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil is best used for aromatic purposes. It has a somewhat vinegary, almost bitter but earthy and spicy scent. It is a very long-lasting scent and is a wonderful choice for spraying in a room to eliminate cooking smells or other strong odors.

Another good use for Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil of Spikenard would be to use it in a diffuser alone or combined with other oils to bring a feeling of calm awareness to a space. Spikenard can also be used in incense for the same purpose.

One of the most popular uses of Spikenard Oil is in incense blends used in the temples in Japan and India. You can use Spikenard Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil in the same way to clear out your home.

Spikenard Oil should not be used internally, but it is a wonderful choice for its smell and ability to calm people. When working with therapeutic-grade essential oils, make sure you wash and rinse your hands thoroughly, before and after handling them, and avoid getting the oil in your eyes. Keep therapeutic-grade essential oils out of the reach of children.

Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Consultant
Good Health – Good Scents

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