Tuesday, July 31, 2007

"Health Insider Reveals The 7 Hidden Secrets Your Doctor Prays You'll Never Find Out About" Part IV

Dear Friends

4. The human cells damaged by Free Radicals and how to protect your DNA.

The overuse of antibiotics, the depletion of nutrients from our foods, and the daily exposure we get to noxious chemicals in the air, water, and common household products has left millions of people (including children) with compromised immune systems, chronic illness, and symptoms of rapid premature aging.

If free radicals remain unchecked, they can even attack DNA, the blueprint used to create each new cell in the body. If not repaired, damaged DNA copies itself to new cells created. In this manner, each new cell is damaged, and mutation can occur...

  • The Blessings - blessing the food has been thought by some humans to promote nutrition and healing by raising the vibration of the food.

Carcinogens in prepared foods...

  • Better that we ask God to bless our proper selection of more complete foods as we go shopping.

Read labels and do not choose foods with sulfites....

  • Ask Her to bless the preparation of the food that God has abundantly supplied for our daily use.

Certified organic wolfberries, blueberries, raspberries, apricots, and pomegranate are dark fruits containing the highest food antioxidant capacity are synergized to make NingXia Red the world's most powerful food antioxidant on the market today.

  • Ask Her to bless the animal, fish, or fowl we did NOT kill and be better sustained with fresh fruits, vegetables, and seeds.

The American Heart Association recommends food antioxidants...

  • Better to ask God to give us KNOWLEDGE to keep our bodies strong and healthy so we will not have to ask to heal an ailing body that we produced.

  • Blame not God for the many illnesses and diseases you humans have created.

  • Better that you ask God for Her blessings and forgiveness, and to give you the strength and wisdom to properly apply knowledge of Her simple laws.

  • Have You Had Your Glass Of NingXia Red Food Antioxidant Today?

100% Money Back Guaranteed

P.S. success to Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents

Monday, July 30, 2007

Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil Blend Valor; Testimonial

Dear Friends,

Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil Blend VALOR testimony - head injury, softball injury.

You know, I shouldn't be surprised, but I just get floored
when I see amazing things happen.

Tonight at tee-ball, we were in the gym, and a little boy
I know who is about 3, and very active, slipped off the
bleachers behind me, about 5 feet off the ground and hit
the ground on his HEAD. The sound was LOUD and he howled.

I was talking with his mom, and Cole calmed down, but
then was so lethargic, pupils seemed to be dilating more,
couldn't get him to orientate himself to me and even
comprehend talking with me. He wasn't falling asleep,
but he was completely dazed and limp.

I go to my car, have a teeny vial of Valor with
barely any drops in it. I ask mom if he can sniff it,
and she's all eager. I put a drop on the base of his
brain, on top of his head, and behind his ears.

This kid transforms within minutes.

He's off of her lap, he's talking, he's sitting up right
on the bleachers by himself, and eating and talking. Amazing.

The other thing that happened was last week while at
hubby's softball game. He's the pitcher, and he took a
line drive right below his wrist in the soft fleshy
part of the arm. OUCH. it was turning colors and
swelling up when he came in the dugout. All I had was
Valor; and poured it on. The coloring went away,
the swelling went down, and in the next inning
the bump was half, and it was no longer black
and blue, but red.

And in the last inning, he took another line drive to
the SAME SPOT. I could feel his agony! And did what
I could until we got home, and did PanAway and Valor
again that night; and twice the next day and he's
as good as gold.

More Testimonials

P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN ID# 482218
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Serenity Lakes Wellness Center, Lawerenceville, GA; Host Claudia Lanigan

Dear Friends,

Energetic Technologies for Wellness

Basic ThetaHealing Certification: 4 Day Intensive Workshop, August 10-13, 2007

Serenity Lakes Wellness Center, Lawrenceville, GA 30044

Appropriate for the novice, invaluable to professionals

  • The DNA Story & activation (how to use "Junk" DNA for longevity)
  • Scan in the body and energy field (To see imbalances)
  • Witness the Creative Life Source heal within the body
  • Understand Brain Waves and their Importance in Healing
  • How to really change your life on all levels with unlimited Source Energy
  • Use Kinesiology to confirm results
  • See guardian Angels & Guides
  • Experience Unconditional Love moving through and healing your body
  • Practice Group Healings
  • Learn how genetic information may be changed
  • Understand and work with the Seven Planes of Existence
  • Use Manifestation techniques to co-create your life
  • Communicate and help animals and pets

Fri & Mon 5-10pm; Sat & Sun 9:00 am - 5 pm
$100.00 by August 4, 2007 plus $295.00 at the door. After August 4, 2007, $450.00

Contact: Jody Bitzer 770.235.2167

This certification is recognized by the American Holistic Nurses Association for Continuing Education,and allows you to practice ThetaHealing, Certified by Vianna Stibal, teacher and channeler of this amazing work! visit: http://www.thetahealing.com

Facilitator: Claudia Lanigan: CMT, NLP, Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, Kinesiologist, Certified ThetaHealing Teacher, and Intuitive Anatomy Practitioner. Local or Phone Sessions Available 970-481-0121 Fort Collins, CO

Save money on your travel plans, hotel, and car rental

P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN ID# 482218
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Health

Friday, July 27, 2007

Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil Teatimonial; Gentle Baby Oil Blend

Dear Friends,

Gentle Baby Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil Blend is
Soothing, Relaxing, and Beneficial for Reducing Stress
During Pregnancy. It Can Also Be Used For Chapped
Dry Skin and Diaper Rash.


I thought I would take a minute and share a testimonial
about Gentle Baby.

I am currently pregnant with baby #4 and my belly has been
uncomfortably itchy as of late. I decided to try Gentle Baby
in some fractionated coconut oil. I began rubbing it on my belly
daily. After a couple of days I noticed something black on my skin.
I tried to brush it off and it wouldn't come off. I tried
wiping it off with a towel and nothing happened. After
showering and noticing this was still there I decided I needed to
investigate further.

Now, let me back up a little so you can fully understand this
interesting story. In September 1999 I had to have my gallbladder
removed. I had the laser surgery done however the incision that
was made in my solar plexus area kept rejecting the stitches.
I had the "dissolving" stitches, but my body in that one area
did not like the stitches and continued to "spit" them out.
I had to get restitched twice and the doctor said she had never
seen anything like it! This tiny incision that is generally barely
noticeable on most people left a scar an inch long and a quarter
of an inch thick on me.

Upon further investigation of this strange black thing on my skin
I realized it was not actually on my skin but this black string
like thing was coming out from under my skin where this scar is.
I used some tweezers and pulled it out and was shocked to find
it was the thread used to stitch me from this surgery that had
never dissolved! It left a little divot from where it had
been all these years, but my skin is now healing nicely as I
continue to use the Gentle Baby and have now added Lavender
to my daily belly regimen. I was astonished to have this happen
after almost 8 years of having had the stitches.
Essential oils are miracles.

-Kathy Arnold

More Testimonials

P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN ID#482218
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tuesday Tips

Dear Friends,

Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil Blend Testimonial; Melrose

“My shoulder area becomes very sore when I am
not careful about the number of packages I try to
carry into the house at one time. During my last
re -occurrence, I tried the usual oils and nothing
worked. I kept trying with the same oils and by
mistake picked up Melrose. I realized right away
because of the change in fragrance and was upset
with myself. But within twenty seconds, the
discomfort was gone. It still amazes me.
And it's on sale!”
-Karen Meyers

More Testimonials

P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN ID# 482218
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents

Monday, July 23, 2007

Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil Blend Of The Month; Melrose

Dear Friends,

Receive the benefits of Melrose therapeutic-grade
essential oil blend
at a 10% discount from
NOW through August 15, 2007!

Melrose therapeutic-grade essential oil blend, 15ml
is a powerful

Usage tips...

Apply Melrose to your face and neck daily to help
renew healthy-looking skin and to reduce the
appearance of breakouts and blemishes; diffuse
Melrose to help freshen and cleanse the air from
unpleasant odors.

Not a client yet? Sign-up here

P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents

"Health Insider Reveals The 7 Hidden Secrets Your Doctor Prays You'll Never Find Out About" -Part II

Dear Friends,

2. The Importance of Enzymes

  • Digestive enzymes are vital to us humans health and responsible for the essential nutrients, vitamins, and mineral that sustain our lives. We humans must be able to digest, assimilate the nutrients that we take in, in order to sustain health, wellness, and strength.

8% of the food we humans consume is metabolized to sustain normal bodily function. The remainder passes through us undigested.

  • The Blessings - blessing the food has been thought by some humans to promote nutrition and healing by raising the vibration of the food.

  • Better that we ask God to bless our proper selection of more complete foods as we go shopping.

Humans today suffer from wheat and grain allergies. This may be due to the fact that grains are not grown and prepared as they used to be....

  • Ask Her to bless the preparation of the food that God has abundantly supplied for our daily use.

  • Ask Her to bless the animal, fish, or fowl we did NOT kill and be better sustained with fresh fruits, vegetables, and seeds.

  • Better to ask God to give us KNOWLEDGE to keep our bodies strong and healthy so we will not have to ask to heal an ailing body that we produced.

Only 1-2 percent of the nutrient value of the food we consume reaches our cells...

  • Blame not God for the many illnesses and diseases you humans have created.

  • Better that you ask God for Her blessings and forgiveness, and to give you the strength and wisdom to properly apply knowledge of His simple laws.

  • Have You Had Your Glass Of NingXia Red Food Antioxidant Today?

Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wouldn't It Be Comforting To Tackle Your Fears On The Spot

Dear Friends,

I think I like the emotional benefits of Valor therapeutic-grade essential oil
blend best.

Valor is very mood uplifting and helps with courage, strength and confidence.

Anytime you are going to face a situation you feel fearful or uncomfortable,
Valor is the therapeutic-grade essential blend oil to use.

Valor supports EFT...

...if you are using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), try putting Valor
on your fingertips before you tap the points. EFT is very powerful on its
own but with Valor it is amazing. Many of the negative emotional issues
are based in fear.

Procrastination is one example.

Sometimes we procrastinate because we feel a little fearful about some
aspect of the thing we are procrastinating about.

Try Valor in your next session of EFT.

You'll find that therapeutic-grade essential oils really enhance the
EFT process.

For more information on EFT: http://www.emofree.com

P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents

Monday, July 16, 2007

Would You Know An Anxiety Attack If You Saw One?

Dear Friends,

Would You Agree That Some People Know How To Fly?

During a trip on a airplane, I happened to sit next to a
woman who was terrified of flying. While we were waiting to
take off, she leaned over and confided that she sometimes
had "panic attacks" while flying.

I didn't say much but I wondered what "panic attacks"
meant! During the take-off, she was white-knuckled but
calm and I thought, "That wasn't too bad!" and went back to
reading my magazine.

The captain came on and announced that our trip was just
about over and we would soon begin our descent to our
destination. As the plane was just starting to descend, she
became very agitated and started moving around in her
seat. Then she started bouncing up and down on her seat.
Then her arms started flailing and she was breathing very
heavily. I looked at her in horror as all the other passengers
did as, by now, she was really creating a commotion.
Reaching into my purse, I uncapped the lavender, held it
under her nose and instructed her to "Breathe deeply". 20
seconds later she was calm.

I was amazed as everyone else that the lavender had
such a quick effect and I sure did get the questions from
everyone around asking what was in the bottle!
Don't fly without it!
Terry Todd, C.M.T.

More Testimonials

P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents

Miss Emma Recommends...

Dear Friends,

Claim the life you deserve, nurture your body, mind, and spirit toxic chemically free.

  • If you neglected your spring cleaning this year, your home space could probably use some deep cleaning right about now. Put the power of Thieves multi purpose cleaner to work with purifying properties and delightfully fresh fragrance, Thieves essential oil blend, toothpaste, mouthwash, and foaming hand soap will keep you, your family, and guest safe from harsh, unnatural cleaners. Thieves Household Cleaner

  • After ceilings, walls, floors, and appliances have been wiped down, (use full strength) be sure to take care of the door knobs and handles, bathtubs, toys, laundry, silk and live plants, clogged drains, piano keys, and refrigerator doors and handles.
Would you agree, how we spend our days is how we spend our lives?
Need A Break?

A great way to save on all of your travel needs this summer - Deals & Steals

P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tuesday Tips

Dear Friends,

EMAILS, Emails, emails, and e-mails.

Emails are sometimes overwhelming with organizing, composing, deleting, forwarding, and following up.

Here is one email I received that I think is worth sharing.

Subject: ICE Campaign - "In Case of Emergency"

We all carry our mobile phones with names & numbers stored in its memory but nobody, other than ourselves, knows which of these numbers belong to our closest family or friends. If we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people attending us would have our mobile phone but wouldn't know who to call.

Yes, there are hundreds of numbers stored but which one is the contact person in case of an emergency? Hence this "ICE" (In Case of Emergency) Campaign. The concept of "ICE" is catching on quickly. It is a method of contact during emergency situations. As cell phones are carried by the majority of the population, all you need to do is store the number of a contact person or persons who should be contacted during emergency under the name "ICE" ( In Case Of Emergency).

The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when he went to the scenes of accidents, there were always mobile phones with patients, but they didn't know which number to call. He therefore thought that it would be a good idea if there was a nationally recognized name for this purpose. In an emergency situation, Emergency Service personnel and hospital Staff would be able to quickly contact the right person by simply dialing the number you have stored as "ICE." For more than one contact name simply enter ICE1, ICE2 and ICE3 etc.

A great idea that will make a difference!

Let's spread the concept of ICE by storing an ICE number in our Mobile phones today!

Please forward this. It won't take too many "forwards" before everybody will know about this. It really could save your life, or put a loved one's mind at rest. ICE will speak for you when and if you are not able to.

P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents

Monday, July 09, 2007

The Best Way To Generate Free Targeted Website Traffic

If you have a website or you promote someone else's' website as an affiliate, you need to drive traffic to it.

Without traffic, you won't get visitors. And without visitors, you won't make money, sales, get subscribers, etc. What good is a website without any traffic? And if the site is getting traffic, what good is it if it's not targeted traffic?

There are many ways to drive traffic to your site, both free and paid. But we are not going to talk about paid traffic right now. That is a totally different topic and could take hours to cover.
So, back to free traffic. Some ways of getting free traffic to your site is by Search Engine Optimization, surfing for traffic, or getting it passively.

SEO takes time and a lot of work. When you join sites that are surf for traffic sites, you have to look at other members' sites in order to earn advertising credits for your site to be displayed when another member is surfing.

The only problem with this is that although the traffic is free, it is not targeted. Everyone who is a member only surfs for the credit and very rarely even looks at the site, they just minimize their window on their PC and multi-task. So, the traffic is crap and worthless.

Now, let's talk about the best way to get free targeted traffic. It's called Instant Buzz.

Instant Buzz is a service that gives you advertising credits as you surf the web like you normally would. What you do is download the toolbar for free, it only takes a minute. Then, you set up your ads in the members area. And bam, you ads are being displayed on other members' tool bars as they surf.

You can also put Instant Buzz ads in emails that you send to your friends. These are called mail space ads. And your ad will get displayed in other members' emails. The last thing you can do is put a hyperspace ad on your website which will help you refer other members.

When you refer other members, you will also get a percentage of the credits they earn which will go towards your ad credits.

If someone likes your ad and is interested in what it says, then they click on it and end up on whatever site it was that you were promoting. Now that's targeted traffic! And it was free.

So make sure you visit the link in the resource box to start driving targeted and quality traffic to your website today. It will only take you a couple of minutes to start bringing visitors to your site.

To download this free tool or get more information visit Instant Buzz,

P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents

Friday, July 06, 2007

"Health Insider Reveals The 7 Hidden SecretsYour Doctor Prays You'll Never Find Out About" Part III

Dear Friends

3. Constipation, a form of indigestion that is equivalent to maximum self punishment.

What makes matters worse....

  • Gulping puts undue stress on the digestion process and saps your vital energy. We only need 10% of available energy everyday to digest our food, yet according to the National Institute of Health...over 70 million Americans are affected by various digestive diseases at any given time.

Most in - digestive health challenges are unreported and untreated....

  • The Blessings - blessing the food has been thought by some humans to promote nutrition and healing by raising the vibration of the food.

Digestion starts in your mouth....

  • Better that we ask God to bless our proper selection of more complete foods as we go shopping.

  • Ask Her to bless the preparation of the food that God has abundantly supplied for our daily use.

  • Ask Her to bless the animal, fish, or fowl we did NOT kill and be better sustained with fresh fruits, vegetables, and seeds.

  • Better to ask God to give us KNOWLEDGE to keep our bodies strong and healthy so we will not have to ask to heal an ailing body that we produced.

Undigested food = poisons being recirculated....

  • Blame not God for the many illnesses and diseases you humans have created.

Indigestion is mostly manifested as fatigue first....

  • Better that you ask God for HER blessings and forgiveness, and to give us humans the strength and wisdom to properly apply knowledge of Her simple laws.

  • Have YOU Had YOUR Glass of NingXia Red Food Antioxidant Today?

P.S. Constipation is a plague. Yeah, that is the truth, however the good news is, it can be eradicated fast.

In all of my years of serving the halls of the Healthcare System, except for accidents and one's oxygen supply being shut off, I have never seen anyone die standing up, most humans that I observed, died from lack of knowledge, too much acid in the body, and fear.

I am willing to bet you a nickel that most humans who are participating in this plague, also have issues with releasing and letting go of clutter, unproductive negative habits and relationships, old worn out clothes, and ideas.

The ultimate good news is.....

Given the proper nutrients, the God-designed human body will do what it was designed to do.....heal itself.

P.P.S. Success to Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Health

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Get Your "Good Health - Good Scents" Extreme Make Over!

Dear Friends,

5 Easy and Simple Tips to Help You Change Your Health Routine When Converting to Pure and Natural Personal Care Products That You Can Trust.

* Enroll as a new customer, preferred customer, of distributor, online 24/7 or by phone 1.800.371.2928Mon-Fri, 7AM-7PM (MST).

* Your Sponsor ID# is 482218

* Prepare your order. Click on the "Product Line," then "personal care" for product name and description.

* Now, you are ready to place an order online, just be sure to indicate your quantity, or by phone Mon-Fri, 7AM-7PM (MST) 1-800-371-2928

* Your order will be calculated, depending on your enrollment preferences. Please specify method of shipping and when ordering online, don't forget to click the SUBMIT button.

* Even if you are an existing client, always keep your ID# in a safe place for future ordering purposes.

100% Money Back Guaranteed

P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents