Monday, March 05, 2007

Can Spruce Oil Really Be The Secret Benefit To Saunas?

Spruce Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil is a wonderful oil to use after you have had a hard day. When you need to be refreshed and feel invigorated, adding Spruce Oil to a bath, diffusing, or using it as part of a massage oil can leave you in a space where you will feel both calmed and refreshed.

Therapeutic-Grade Essential Spruce Oil is a wonderful soother for sore muscles, especially when you have worked out too hard. Adding some oil to a bath or to massage oil or lotion can assist in easing the strain of tired muscles and leave you feeling better.

Spruce oil has long been used as an additive in saunas for its invigorating and clean, woodsy scent. Most people really enjoy the scent of this Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil and find it less strong and grating than the other evergreen oils. It has a fresh and woody scent that some say has a hint of fruit to it.

It is also said that Spruce Oil is a companion oil for the respiratory system. It is thought to help with bronchitis, coughs and asthma. Spruce oil might also be helpful for colds and flu. It is also a good tonic for general weakness and has been used to improve circulation and ease the symptoms of rheumatism.

Some people say that Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil of Spruce is antimicrobial and antiseptic as well. It can be a great first aid item for cleaning wounds and staving off infection.

Another use for Spruce Oil is in meditation and yoga. The oil is thought to help clear the mind and sharpen the focus, and may even be helpful in combating symptoms of depression.

Therapeutic-Grade Spruce Essential Oil is said to help calm anxiety and reduce feelings of stress. It is a good choice for a room spritz when you want a room to both smell and feel good, and it blends especially well with other woody essential oils.

Just smelling Spruce Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil reminds some people of Christmas, which can be a calming and relaxing sensation. The oil can be used topically, internally and in aromatic ways. It is best to dilute it when using internally or externally, as skin sensitivity is possible.

As with other therapeutic-grade essential oils, you should be careful not to get spruce oil into your eyes. Wash and rinse your hands thoroughly, before and after working with the oil, and avoid using the oil near sparks or open flames. Avoid using Spruce Oil on infants or small children. Keep therapeutic-grade essential oils out of the reach of children.

Success To YourWellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents

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