Friday, January 12, 2007


Dear Friends,

Some Great Tehreapeutic-Grade Essential Oils Testimonials!

During my 19th year of practice in the field of acupuncture, I contracted one of the new-breed mutated viruses that kept me bedridden for 3 weeks. As a rule, cold and flu symptoms of every hue respond rather well to acupuncture treatments and herbal medicine; however, none of my tried and trusted methods worked this time, to my dismay. In the meantime, I had been sent a tape vaunting the merits of essential oils. By the end of the 2nd week in bed with incessant coughing, I remembered some of the things I'd read in the literature of the Young Living Essential Oils Company. I decided to try locally bought oils and apply them on those body areas suggested by individuals whose testimonials I'd read in YLEO literature. Meanwhile, I also ordered 2 bottles of YLEO's Thieves and ImmuPower. Five days into the usage of locally bought oils had brought me but very slight results. Then came my YLEO products, which I applied immediately. Within 2 days, I experienced total relief from my coughing spells. Can you imagine what three weeks of 24 hour/day of virtually non-stop coughing can be like when it stops? What a blessing!

Douglas H. McKenna, D.Ac.
Valleyfield Qc

I am a medical technologist as well as a Reiki Master practitioner. I have done some scientific experiments with the most common nail fungus and thought I would share it with you. First of all, Fungus is not bacteria. Yeast and fungus belong to a totally different group of pathogens (organisms capable of causing disease). They do not respond to antibiotics the way that bacteria such as Staph or Strep do. They are resistant to most of those drugs. They respond wonderfully to Meleleuca and even better to Lemongrass. However the Lemongrass tends to discolor the nail and the nail bed. I conducted a disc diffusion test (sensitivity testing) in a laboratory setting whereby I tested 3 discs against the most common fungus - Candida. I tested Meleleuca, Lemongrass, and a Mel/Lem combo. I inoculated agar in a petri dish with the Candida and then dropped the discs impregnated with the test material onto the agar. The organism was then incubated and allowed to grow. A zone of inhibition around the disc is an indication that the organism is "Sensitive" to the test material. That means the fungus cannot grow in the presence of that substance. Meleleuca and gave a small zone of inhibition (@15 mm); Lem/Mel together gave about a 21 mm zone; but the Lemongrass by itself had a zone of over 70 mm! The results were amazing proof to me that Lemongrass is by far the best oil for the job if one can put up with the temporary discoloration.

Thanks ... Linda

More Testimonials

As a reflexologist, I use the oils very frequently in my practice. I use singles and blends depending on the situation. I find the client responds much more quickly to the reflexology session when coupled with the oils. Most of my clients love them and would not choose to be without them.


I didn't didn't become a distributor in Young Living to build a business. I became a distributor in hopes of finally finding essential oils that lived up to what I read and studied that essential oils can do. Up to that time, while I found oils that worked some, not with the results I was looking for. You have no idea what it is like to work with people, some with serious problems, and while sometimes able to help them heal, sometimes I can only do so much.

I was so amazed as I began to use the Young Living oils on myself and on my clients at the wonderful results. To me, to not share these products would be like a sin.

As has been noted about results not getting out to the press, if we don't do it, who will? Do you have any idea what gold we have? Sometimes people have to try several different things to find what works for them, but it is a small price, compared to what people face without it. One of my clients, had had rheumatoid arthritis since in her teens. After getting off of her fathers health insurance, she was not able to get insurance because of it. Because she had to take so many drugs and anti-inflammatories the possibility of having babies was not open to her, and because of the drugs, her body was all messed up, including her hormones.

Using Chinese Medicine we were able to get her off the drugs and out of pain, but it wasn't until we used the YL oils did we truly begin to heal. I remember thinking, you know we need to take pictures of this, but by the time she came back ( a week later) we had waited too late, the knots had already gone down too much.

Sarah Judith Cole


I am a licensed psychotherapist and massage therapist and am using the oils in my practice with great success. In fact my practice and the results of my work have taken a quantum leap since I started using the oils.

Laurey in Sequim, WA


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P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health -Good Scents
Marketing Team

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