Saturday, May 26, 2007

Essential News

Dear Freinds,

Study: A Likely Carcinogen Widespread

According to the CDC Teflon-related chemical found in almost everyone's blood, may be linked to infant health.

The chemical, perfluorooctanoic acid, is associated with the manufacture and use of Teflon and other moisture-resistant products. It is commonly known as PFOA. Microwave popcorn bags release several hundred times as much of the chemical as does cookware that has been coated with substances like Teflon.

Evidence of PFOA's presence in 100% of fetal cord blood samples analyzed by CDC and John Hopkins University toxicologist was reported last month.

The John Hopkins toxicologist who directed the study has said that is also revealed significant links between levels of PFOA in cord blood and the babies' birth weight, head circumference and other common measurements of newborn health.

The report is among a rash of studies that in the past few months have heightened concerns about the presence of PFOA and several related chemicals in human beings, their food, and the environment. In animals the chemical was associated with liver and pancreatic cancer.

P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents

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