Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Holiday Season Eating Habits Can Be Unsettling?

Dear Friends

Did You Know That Our Bodies Listen To Everything We Say And Do?

We Humans all have different motivations for our behaviors and different dominant traits, and yes,We all have access to all the emotions.

Human bodies contain history (Emotional Patterns) and they provide us with constant feedback. Learning to listen provides a natural guide.

therapeutic-grade essential oils adds another dimemsion to accessing the limbic system of the brain (the amygdala gland in the brain that stores and releases trauma in the body). Studies have proven that the limbic system does not respond to touch, sound, or sight, but only releases emotional trauma through the sense of smell.

Did you ever wonder why some smells can send you back to a specific time and place, and all the good or not so good feelings to go along with the smell?

Releasing Emotional Eating Patterns Requires: Noticing Our Body's Response To Our Diet And Becoming Aware Of It's Mood. Is An Ideal Place To Start,

Identifying the patterns

Understanding the patterns

Learning the lesson

Clearing the patterns

Relaeasing the patterns

P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plan,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team

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