Friday, April 27, 2007

12 Serious Side Effects Of Using Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils Daily

Dear Friends,

  • You may discover increase energy levels: causing you to clean house and do outside chores that you have been putting off for months or years.

  • You may decide that you like to exercise instead of hating it: causing you to lose 30 minutes to 1 hour every day.

  • A decrease of pain in your joints and body: may cause you to get more sleep.

  • You may find hair growing in the bald spot on your head.

  • Symptoms of fungus like Candida (yeast infection) and toe fungus might disappear: causing you to stop having discomfort due to rash and itching.

  • You may discover that your eyesight is improving: causing you to have to change your eye prescription.

  • Stomach disorders, IBS, and other associated discomforts may cease: causing people to not recognize your presence due to a reduction of belching and releasing stinky aromas.

  • You may lose unwanted excess pounds: causing your clothes to hang on you; causing you to have to go through your closets and drawers to organize a garage sale or give them away to charity organizations. Ultimately causing you stress since you will be unable to find anything that fits: causing you to have to shop to buy smaller sizes.

  • You may discover diminished thoughts of depression and suicide cease: causing you to change your feelings about yourself, your family, friends and life in general.

  • You may find that trips to the doctor and hospital become infrequent: causing you to lose anxiety, stress and financial concerns.

  • You may find a decreased need for prescriptions drugs: causing money to appear in your wallet or purse.

  • You may discover that there is a God after all, that loves you and above all things wants, you to prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers!

P.S. Success to Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents

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