Thursday, August 09, 2007

6 More Days To Enjoy 10% Off Melrose Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil Blend

Dear Friends,

Enjoy the benefit; 10% off Melrose 15ml therapeutic-grade essential oil blend, "oil of the month" NOW through Aug 15, 2007. Melrose is a powerful antiseptic.

Usage Tips:

Melrose For Skin Care & Odors

  • Apply Melrose to your face and neck daily to help renew
    healthy-looking skin and to reduce the appearance of
    breakouts and blemishes; diffuse Melrose to help freshen
    and cleanse the air from unpleasant odors.
Melrose For A Sore Throat
  • Take a few 3 or 4 drops (less if desired) of Melrose in a
    glass of water and gargle every 2 minutes and swallow
    making sure when you gargle to get it in the back of your
    throat, and do this for 1/2 hour consistently. If it gets
    better and starts to come back, repeat.

  • Therapeutic=grade essential oils work completely differently
    and much more effectively in an alkaline environment. I do
    this by drinking fresh lemon in my water.

Melrose For Fungus And Yeast

  • When you may have had yeast in your body for a long time
    and experience itchy ears, put a drop of Melrose on a Q-tip
    and swab inside your ears daily until the itch is gone

  • Melrose is also great for toenail fungus and warts! For those
    you can use those red healing lights (like the laser pointers)
    and shine on for a few seconds after applying the oil. It really
    speeds the healing and has been incredibly effective.

Melrose For Poison Ivy

  • As soon as you feel the itch dab it with Melrose until it is gone,
    which doesn't take long.

Not a Client Yet? Sign-up here

P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents

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