Friday, December 01, 2006

A Great Testimonial

Dear Friends,

Today, Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils Are Being Rediscovered By The Thousands

I started learning about Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils in 2002. The testimonies I read (via being on someone else's email list!) sounded too good to be true. They were from people I did not know and people who didn't know me... Well, finally in January, 2003 I decided that if even half of the testimonies were true, that this was something worth looking into. I placed my first order: an Essential 7 Kit, Lavender shampoo and conditioner, Thieves toothpaste, and Goldenrod oil. Within two weeks I realized that those testimonies I had been reading for the last year were actually true. I was “forgetting” to take my prescription allergy medicine, my antacids and other digestive meds for reflux, and “forgetting” to use my inhalers. My scalp, which had been itchy all winter, was feeling wonderful. The first trip to the dental hygienist was significantly easier after using one tube of the Thieves toothpaste.

It blew me away that people did not know about the therapeutic qualities of these oils... and products containing the oils. They were so amazingly effective... and so good for helping our bodies to be balanced, healthy and strong. So, I started talking about YL oils, and I haven’t stopped since! That is how I ended up becoming a Young Living Distributor. I have been so impressed with what I have seen these oils do for myself and others. YL oils have a positive effect on every level... physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Are you ready to experience this ancient healing wisdom for yourself?

Essential Oils have been used since ancient times...

Their therapeutic qualities are being rediscovered today by thousands...

Patti Cook
Rochester, New York


P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team

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