Diffusing Oils
1. Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils kill pathogenic micro-organisms of all kinds.
2. World renowned medical researcher, Dr. Jean Valnet M.D., states that essential oils provide remarkable protection against viral infections ranging from shingles to influenza.
3. Private research, funded by Young Living Essential Oils. Inc. at Weber State University, successfully demonstrated specific therapeutic-grade essential oils diffused in a closed chamber killed every virus tested within minutes. Of 74 single oils tested, lemongrass, roman chamomile, cinnamon, rose, valerian and yarrow scored the highest kill rates.
Specific Blends of Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils, Like Young Living Thieves Blend Demonstrated A 99.6% Kill Rate Against Airborne Bacteria And Scored High For Its Antiviral Qualities.
Now what needs to be shouted is that there is not a single pharmaceutical preparation, anywhere, that can even come close to the results demonstrated in the Weber State study.
But as my grandfather used to tell my grandmother, the proof is in the pudding. Find someone who regularly diffuses therapeutic-grade essential oils in their home and ask them how many colds they have had lately.
For families with children, diffusing is a God-send. It translates directly into fewer sickness, fewer doctor visits, and fewer medical bills. Even when a cold is felt coming on (caught from infection outside the home), its duration is quickly curtailed.
Our files are rich with testimonials praising the benefits of diffusing therapeutic-grade essential oils. The bottom line is that diffusing essential oils will stop colds cold.
The few times someone contracts an infection, their infection is quickly over come inhaling air diffused with therapeutic-grade essential oils.
Turn your home into a pathogenic killing zone...
Whatever you do, DO NOT HEAT YOUR OILS. Keep them around room temperature. Heating therapeutic-grade essential oils will not only ruin the therapeutic value of the oil, but it can also harm you. Research shows that high temperatures will change the chemistry. This changed chemistry can be toxic to the human body.
This is simply basic organic chemistry 101. If you want to fragrance a room and obtain health benefits, use a cold diffuser. Do not use a light bulb called an Aromalamp or burn oils with fire from a candle.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
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