Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Special Promotion From Good Health - Good Scents

Dear Friends,

Good Health - Good Scents serves humans who desire, value, and enjoy the benefits of optimal health. And you humans can always expect soemthing extra - Results

Here at Good Health - Good Scents we believe that sharing information can transform humans lives. It is an awesome feeling---especially when they get results.

Good Health - Good Scents strive on getting results through hard work, research, clear visions, and providing value for our clients.

A Special Promotion For The Month Of May!

A FREE 15-30 Minutes "Stress Elimination Technique" Phone Consultation With Dr. Johnson.

All you have to do is
place an order for $100.00 before May 31, 2007 including your choice of any essential living, essential nutrition, or essential oils products, and Good Health - Good Scents marketing team will send you the contact information to arrange your appointment for the FREE 15-30 Minutes "Sress Elimination Technique" telephone consultation with Dr. Johnson...

Stress (short for dis-ease).

Harvard Medical studies prove that the less stress one has, the healthier one becomes. You too deserve a chance for great health and abundance. is that simple to get results relating to specific issues like performance, business, depression, guilt, anger, allergies, weight management, relationship issues, pain management, feeling overwhelmed, or obsessed with the need to be right, just to name a few.

What do humans do with their feelings if thy don't release them? Don't you forget, a solution is available.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant

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