It Can Happen To You Too.
Attending marketing conferences con be one of those things to put at the top of your business plan under the education “tab.”
You might say, “well I have been to so many workshops, presentations, seminars, conferences , etc and people never follow through on their promises of networking and building relationships.” Well, that is their problem and LOSS.
There are so many ways to market on the internet; it will literally make your head spin.
Last weekend I attended a 3 Day Internet Marketing Madness Seminar.
hosted by Matt Bacak and his wife Stephanie Bacak in Atlanta, GA.
It was awesome, electrifying, entertaining, and mind blowing with tons
of information. There was something there for everyone. Free lunch for
the ladies and dinner for the VIP's on Sat.
Some special highlights for me and what actually happened to me.
I love books, and guest what?
I met Tracy Repchuk, who was sitting right behind me, who just launched her book, “31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles” Friday, April 13, 2007, her birthday. And Judy M. Johnson, was sitting two seats to my right, just published a new book "Tapping into Joy"
It got better!
Speaker, Alex Carroll, author of "Beat The Cop", from Santa Barbara, CA was compelling, entertaining, resourceful, bottom line, and delivered everything you need to cash in on the FREE radio publicity gold mine. He called it "Fame & Fortune Doing Radio Interviews" . Make Millions Lying In Bed with a line phone.
I do article marketing, and guest what?
I met Jeff Herring 'The Article Guy"
There was a star studded line up; Matt Bacak, author "Secrets of the Internet Millionaire Mind" , who calls his laptop an ATM machine spitting out cash, Drew Miles, Mike Stewart, Ray Edwards - the master copywriter, Jason Orman, author "Conversations with Millionaires" , Harris Fellman, Adam Ginsberg - the Ebay guy, Jo Han Mok - from Singapore performed some great magic and was a master marketer, Brett Smith, and more...
It got even better!
When was the last time you had lunch with a billionaire?
Well, I did as I had been advised... NET Work.
I found myself eating lunch with Ernest Chu, who was promoting his forthcoming book, "Soul Currency." Read more..
I am the proud recipient of a copy his new CD "7 Days to Prosperity & Peace"
Ernest Chu is an ordained Religious Science Assistant Minister At Religious Science, Ft Lauderdale, Fla and he did a powerful transforming prayer treatment with me.
Now, that is really what happened to me.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents
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