Friday, April 27, 2007
Good News And Better News
April 27, 2007
Good News and Better News
You are busy so here are the bottom line news items on the FDA Guidance battle we are in right now:
Public Comment Period Extended: Natural Solutions Foundation's formal request for an extension for Public Comments was turned down BUT then the FDA did extend the comment period to May 29, 2007!
Natural Solutions Foundation website,, was attacked -- again-- but is now up and running.
We have time to get at millions of comments in to the FDA! If every person who submitted comments (or tried to) can motivate just ten people to do the same, we would have, by today's count, 3.7 million pro-health freedom comments in to the FDA by the end of May!
155,905 people have successfully submitted their comments through our site which is, as far as we know, the ONLY way to send comments to the FDA which will be received at this time. Use the "Take Action Now!" link on our home page,
220,154 people have tried to submit comments through our site and were unable to. If you are one of them, go back and try again, please.
Dr. Ron Paul, (R, TX) who is running for President, has announced that he will be submitting his comments on the FDA CAM Guidance indicating his belief that this is a serious issue.
Our data entry staff are working hard to make sure your comments are submitted if you are using Plan B (send an email to with "submit" as the subject and your name and address in the body. REMEMBER to included your address or we cannot submit for you).
Our supporters list has increased by nine times since we blew the whistle on the FDA's dangerous CAM (Complementary and Alternative Modalities) Guidance and its unfounded extention of what US law says -- we are ringing a bell people can hear!
The battle rages: we have ignited a firestorm and people are weighing in on whether we should be worried about the CAM Guidance (we most certainly should) or whether we can trust the FDA to a. tell the truth and b. protect natural health over pharmaceutical intersts. If you are on the "b." side, you do not know the history of the FDA and natural health and you also might be interested in the Brooklyn Bridge which I understand is for sale!
General Stubblebine and I are at the Ottawa, Canada, meeting Codex Committee on Food Labeling (CCFL). We have submitted formal comments to the FDA and Codex Office of the US Government. I will post these comments and daily reports on the CCFL proceedings on my blo. Click on our website and then go to the "Blog" tab at the top of the page. Organic Standards, Genetically Modified Food Labeling and the right to share information about health benefits of foods and not have that action be considered "advertising" are on the docket.
The Natural Solutions Foundation will be there and will keep you posted.
Health Freedom is NOT free. We did not anticipate, for example, having to hire data entry people to make sure your comments could reach the FDA. Please rememember to give generously by making a tax deductible contribution , , to help up keep on keeping you.
Yours in health and freedom,
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
12 Serious Side Effects Of Using Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils Daily
- You may discover increase energy levels: causing you to clean house and do outside chores that you have been putting off for months or years.
- You may decide that you like to exercise instead of hating it: causing you to lose 30 minutes to 1 hour every day.
- A decrease of pain in your joints and body: may cause you to get more sleep.
- You may find hair growing in the bald spot on your head.
- Symptoms of fungus like Candida (yeast infection) and toe fungus might disappear: causing you to stop having discomfort due to rash and itching.
- You may discover that your eyesight is improving: causing you to have to change your eye prescription.
- Stomach disorders, IBS, and other associated discomforts may cease: causing people to not recognize your presence due to a reduction of belching and releasing stinky aromas.
- You may lose unwanted excess pounds: causing your clothes to hang on you; causing you to have to go through your closets and drawers to organize a garage sale or give them away to charity organizations. Ultimately causing you stress since you will be unable to find anything that fits: causing you to have to shop to buy smaller sizes.
- You may discover diminished thoughts of depression and suicide cease: causing you to change your feelings about yourself, your family, friends and life in general.
- You may find that trips to the doctor and hospital become infrequent: causing you to lose anxiety, stress and financial concerns.
- You may find a decreased need for prescriptions drugs: causing money to appear in your wallet or purse.
- You may discover that there is a God after all, that loves you and above all things wants, you to prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers!
P.S. Success to Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Exclusively Available For Good Health - Good Scents Essential Rewards Clients

Dear Friends,
NEW and exclusively available for autoship clients, Core Essentials Autoship Pack is a simple path to savings and a healthy peace of mind. Core nutrition products focus on strengthening the building blocks of total body wellness, with Core Essentials.
Item# 3297 - Core Essentials Autoship
Pack includes:
NingXia Red (1 liter)
Longevity (30 softgels)
Omega Blue (90 softgels)
(2) Balance Complete (26.4 oz.)
Restore Your Core Fact Sheet
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents
Announcing New Essential Rewards And Enrollment Kits

Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
How To Survive The Number 3 Cause Of Disability.
The Quiet Revolution Of Stress
Depression is the #3 cause of disability right now.
Did you know that 90% of MD visits are stress related?
The National Institute of Health reports that longterm
Take the phone off the hook...
...close the door, pour yourself a fresh serving of your
Why This Happens And
Your Are About To Learn...wellness is not just about your
For over 30 years, as a registered professional nurse, I have
There are 3 kinds of people in this world,,,...those who want
We Are Exposed To More Toxins In Food & Water,
Polluants, Chemicals, Stress, And People
In One Day Than Most of Our Grand Parents
Were In Their Entire Lifetime.
- It takes from 10 to 20 years for a build up of toxins in the body.
- We now have over 70,000 chemicals used in the USA and more
waiting to be approved. - That means that any human over 20 years of age is traumatized
and maybe don't even know it, because they appear to be well.
So You And Yours Can
- Breathing clean begins at home
- Add a new slant to your life
- Nurture your body, mind and spirit
- Relax and rejuvenate effortlessly
Take Control Of Your Life
Studies at New York University proved the amygdala gland (the glandin the limbic system of the brain that stores and releases trauma in the body) does not respond to sound or sight or touch, but ONLY releases emotional trauma through the sense of smell.
-by Carolyn L. Mein, D.C.
Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils.
How Much Would Your Cheerfully Invest?
Now.. The Most Featured-Rich, Most Benefit Laden, All-In-One Pure Plant Self Healing Remedies.
Sesquiterpenes, found in high levels in therapeutic-grade essential oils such as Frankincense and Sandalwood, increases the oxygen in the limbic brainwhich in turn "unlocks" the DNA and allows emotional baggage to be release from cellular memory.
The Raindrop Technique collection of therapeutic-grade essential oils can rejuvenate the body, mind, and spirit in less than 1 hour and leave you in a space, knowing that you made the right choice. Anyone can do the Raindrop Technique, grand mothers get the same results as Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, or Nurses.
A Sample List of Single Oils Names and Oil-Blends Names of Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils Self Healing And General Uses, by Category;
- Harmony & Balance Support:
Frankincense, Harmony, Peace & Calming, Lavender, Purification, Clarity, Valor, Peppermint, Highest Potential, White Angelica, Melissa, Cedarwood, and Ylang Ylang.
•Warming/Hot Oils:
Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Fennel, Ginger, Melissa, Palmarosa, Black Pepper, Thyme, Oregano, Lemongrass, PanAway, Aroma Siez, Di-Gize, Thieves, and Xmas Sprit.
•Cooling Support Oils:
Eucalyptus, Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange, Peppermint, Spearmint, and Tangerine.
What Can Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils
Do For You And Your's All Day Long?
- Clean the air of pollutants
- Purify the water you drink and bathe in
- Be combined with food and nutritional supplements for increased support to all metabolism and antioxidant action
- Enhance your skin, hair, and oral hygiene
- Stimulate and support your immune system
- Reduce stress and bring emotional balance into your life
- Enhance your ability to learn new things and rememberold ones
- Act against many strains of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites
- Offer support to the whole body for optimum vitality
- Be used to assist pets with some of the same problems we humans have
- Be recognized, absorbent, and used by our bodies because their molecules are genetically familiar to us since the dawn of human existence
- Remind us humans of the miraculous presence of nature, and encourageus to value and protect it for future generations.
Volunteer And Claim Your Place
But Only If You Qualify
Good Healht - Good Scents
Friday, April 20, 2007
Would You Agree, Net Working Works, When You Work It?
It Can Happen To You Too.
Attending marketing conferences con be one of those things to put at the top of your business plan under the education “tab.”
You might say, “well I have been to so many workshops, presentations, seminars, conferences , etc and people never follow through on their promises of networking and building relationships.” Well, that is their problem and LOSS.
There are so many ways to market on the internet; it will literally make your head spin.
Last weekend I attended a 3 Day Internet Marketing Madness Seminar.
hosted by Matt Bacak and his wife Stephanie Bacak in Atlanta, GA.
It was awesome, electrifying, entertaining, and mind blowing with tons
of information. There was something there for everyone. Free lunch for
the ladies and dinner for the VIP's on Sat.
Some special highlights for me and what actually happened to me.
I love books, and guest what?
I met Tracy Repchuk, who was sitting right behind me, who just launched her book, “31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles” Friday, April 13, 2007, her birthday. And Judy M. Johnson, was sitting two seats to my right, just published a new book "Tapping into Joy"
It got better!
Speaker, Alex Carroll, author of "Beat The Cop", from Santa Barbara, CA was compelling, entertaining, resourceful, bottom line, and delivered everything you need to cash in on the FREE radio publicity gold mine. He called it "Fame & Fortune Doing Radio Interviews" . Make Millions Lying In Bed with a line phone.
I do article marketing, and guest what?
I met Jeff Herring 'The Article Guy"
There was a star studded line up; Matt Bacak, author "Secrets of the Internet Millionaire Mind" , who calls his laptop an ATM machine spitting out cash, Drew Miles, Mike Stewart, Ray Edwards - the master copywriter, Jason Orman, author "Conversations with Millionaires" , Harris Fellman, Adam Ginsberg - the Ebay guy, Jo Han Mok - from Singapore performed some great magic and was a master marketer, Brett Smith, and more...
It got even better!
When was the last time you had lunch with a billionaire?
Well, I did as I had been advised... NET Work.
I found myself eating lunch with Ernest Chu, who was promoting his forthcoming book, "Soul Currency." Read more..
I am the proud recipient of a copy his new CD "7 Days to Prosperity & Peace"
Ernest Chu is an ordained Religious Science Assistant Minister At Religious Science, Ft Lauderdale, Fla and he did a powerful transforming prayer treatment with me.
Now, that is really what happened to me.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
FDA Attacks Complementary & Alternative Healthcare
by John F. Gilbert, Ph.D. - President/NTCB
I just spent three days reading, re-reading, researching and discussing the proposed FDA guidelines for "Complementary and Alternative Medicine" with two FDA attorneys. You can download a copy of this proposal for yourself at:
When I first heard about this FDA attack on complementary and alternative health care, I considered it another "Chicken Little" rumor. On further study, I'm appalled at the speed with which the pharmaceutical companies are implementing Codex Alimentarius in the USA. If you don't suspect the pharmaceutical companies control the FDA, you may want to research that further by visiting
This insidious proposal is designed to redefine every complementary and alternative health care modality and product as "medicine." This has direct implications on the services and products provided by every alternative health care professional.
There is no facet of complementary and alternative health care that is not affected. If the FDA adopts this proposal, all natural health care would be illegal even for medical doctors.
Essential oils, herbs, herbal remedies, homeopathic remedies, minerals, nutritional supplements, plant enzymes and vitamins are redefined in this proposal as "medicine." Very simply, medicine is under the jurisdiction of the FDA and, by law, only licensed medical doctors may prescribe "medicines." Anybody else who advises, advocates, counsels, distributes, markets, recommends or suggests anybody use "medicine" is practicing medicine without a license. This is a felony in the USA punishable by fines and incarceration.
Aromatherapy, auricular therapy, biofeedback, color therapy, homeopathy, hypnotism, naturopathy, neurotherapy, nutritional consulting, reflexology, sound therapy and wellness consulting are among the alternative health modalities being redefined as "Alternative Medicine." This subtle change of vocabulary from "alternative health care" to "alternative medicine" makes all of these industries subject to control by the FDA as medicine. Only medical doctors would be allowed to provide, prescribe and supervise the delivery of these services. Anybody else who provided any of these services would be practicing medicine without a license and subject to incarceration and fines.That's the bad news.
The good news is we have until April 30, 2007 to voice our opinion against this proposal to eliminate complementary and alternative health care in America.
Almost 100,000 people have already filed their objection. According to Dr. Rima Laibow, medical director of the Natural Therapies Foundation, we need 50 times that many people to respond by the end of the month.Please stand up and be counted.
Go to and file your petition in support of natural health care, in support of complementary and alternative health care as we know it today.
If you require more information, please visit or read the FDA proposed policy at <
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
This Mother's Day Special Edition
This year, remember your mother with a gift as unique as she is - An Essential Oil Diffuser with a stunning limited-edition red well.
Available from April 15 through May 15, 2007 only, this limited-edition well will serve as a vibrant centerpiece in mom's home, providing her the cherished benefits of aromatherapy and the therapeutic advantage of Young Living essential oils for months and months to come.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Tuesday's Tip
Enjoy a 10% discount on Aroma Siez from April 16 to May 15, 2007!
Oil Of The Month!
Aroma Siez is a relaxing blend that is excellent for massaging away life's little discomforts. Well suited for use after exercise or at the end of a trying day, it also provides soothing comfort for the head, neck, and tired feet.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Could You Reach More Of Your Potential By Caring?
A Caring Kidney Failure Testimony
I have been with YLEO for about a year now, and
have had so many successful experiences I couldn't
begin to list, but the greatest one of all happened in
January of this year. My husband went in the hospital for a stomach
bypass operation. I'll list his background and
try to be brief.
In 1992 he was exposed to a spergillus bacteria as a result
of the work we do [water damage restoration] We were working in
NC after Hurricane Hugo, for about 3 months on/off.
During the next 9 months after the work was done,
he became very sick and gave every indication of heart
trouble. Finally he consented to visit his doctorfor test,
all of which he failed. For a man that never
lost a days work in his ife, and was never sick, this
was very difficult to take. Seemed that the bacteria
destroyed the pump mechanism in his perfectly healthy
heart and thus he was on a heart transplant list for the
next 2 years. He's also a diabetic. The next 2 years
was stressful and nothing short of a rollercoaster ride,
but in Jan of 1994, he received his new heart. After the
transplant, the drugs of choice were Cyclosporine, Imuran
and Prednisone [all for anti rejection and to hold down
his immune system]. He only took the Prednisone for 8
months, but over the next year proved to be almost fatal
3 times, and that's when I became involved in alternative
health, because I knew there was a better way, and I was
determined to find it.
Over the course of the next 2 years, his weight ballooned
to 320 lb. and his body suffered all the affects. T
he only solution for his weight reduction
was the bypass. Mass General here in Boston did the surgery
and he came through it just fine. We'd been using the oils
for about a year, and got him in the best shape ever, for
the shape he was in [quoted by the surgeon]. But within
24 hours after the surgery, due to the trauma, he went
into kidney failure. Dialysis was without a question. I told the
surgeon [who knew what I did] to let me bring in my kit of essential
oils, and give me 24 hours. He agreed.
Here's what I did. Aroma Life, Clary Sage, Endo Flex,
Geranium, Grapefruit, Juniper and Fennel. I applied
them in layers over the kidney area with a hot compress
twice per day. After the fist hour, he put out 1/4 cupurine,
and within the 24 hour period, he was increasing.
For three days I gave him the treatment twice per day, and
he overflowed that foley bag several time. The doctors,
nurses and aids couldn't believe it. Not only did I bring
Tom out of his kidney failure, but I signed up 5 distributors
as well.
Results to date: He has lost 62 lb., 6" around his waist,
and can tie is own shoes. He is off his insulin completely,
praise the Father. We've used the Fennel, Dill and Coriander
to lower his glucose and it's worked. We've reduced his fluid
in the legs by using Cypress, Tangerine and Juniper. He's off
all medication and is now taking what a 5 year old child would
take in his anti rejection drugs.
Ginkgo Biloba shows great promise to replace the
Cyclosporine/Neoral and he's proven it.
He was taking 425 mg twice perday, and he's now taking 100 mg.
You can check it out in the Georgetown University website,
that's where I found it. I'll be happy to offer any other experiences we've had,
taking care of Tom is a privilege, not a chore. Being a
caregiver is the most rewarding career anyone could ask
for and it's because of companies like YLEO and Dr.Young.
I hope this testimonial help other, feel free to contact me, as I have so much to share.Blessings, your friend in great health
More Testimonials
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Isn't It Inspiring To Know What To Do In A Crisis Situation?
Kidney stones are no fun! My husband describes it as the body trying
to push a watermelon or a jagged bolder through a garden hose only on a much smaller scale, and more constant pain than he has ever experienced! He has had, on four different occasions, the experience of dealing with kidney stones, twice requiring an emergency room visit or doctor office visit.
This past year we were introduced to Young Livings Essential Oils and with my husband’s most recent kidney stone attack we applied oils to see if we could avoid another expensive emergency room visit and pharmaceutical treatment.
The Essential Oils Desk Reference suggests the single oils of
Wintergreen/birch, geranium, juniper, helichrysum, fennel,
and lemongrass;
And making a blend of Eucalyptus radiate, Geranium, and Juniper.
We didn’t have all the single oils but we did have most of
them in YO blends.
We used:
- Panaway with helichrysum, wintergreen/birch, clove and peppermint
- RC with Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus radiate, Eucalyptus australiana,
Eucalyptus citriodora, - Myrtle, Pine, Spuce, Marjoram, Lavender, Cypress, and Peppermint.
- Lemongrass
- Juniper
- Lemon
I layered 5 to 6 drops of each of Panaway, RC, Lemongrass and Juniper over his kidney and gave him a glass of purified water with 5 to 6 drops of lemon in it.
Within ten minutes, the pain switched from on to OFF! Just like a light switch the pain was gone! Three days later, he passed the largest stone ever without any pain and without any visible blood. A week after that, again he passed another notably sized stone without pain or visible blood.
We believe Young Living’s Essential Oils are responsible for my husband’s quick recovery and will continue to make major differences in our health and lives. God is so good to bring these oils into our lives to be used!
Tod and Tracy Rushton
P.S. Succes to Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Isn't It Good To Know What You Don't Know?
A kidney stone is a solid piece of material that forms in the kidney from
mineral or protein-breakdown products in the urine.
Occasionally, larger stones can become trapped in a ureter, bladder,
or urethra, which can block urine flow cause intense pain.
There are four types of kidney stones:
Stones made from calcium (the most common type).
Stones made from magnesium and ammonia (a struvite stone).
Sones made from uric acid.
Stones made from cystine (the most rare).
Some of the symptoms of kidney stones include:
• Persistent, penetrating pain in side
• A burning sensation during urination
• Blood in the urine
• Bad-smelling or cloudy urine
It is important to drink plenty of water (at least 12 eight-ounce glasses daily)
to help pass or dissolve a kidney stone.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Have You Ever Benefited From Soaking Your Sore Tired Feet?
Everyone knows the smell of peppermint. From mint candies to strong, fresh mint plants, mint is a happy, clean smell. Therapeutic-grade essential oil of peppermint not only smells good, a superior oil with anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antiviral, anti-fungal, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, appetite suppressing, and analgesic properties.
Peppermint is one of the oldest and most highly regarded of the natural healing herbs. It has been used for generations as a self healing remedy associated with upset stomach. But peppermint oil isn't just an essential for stomach problems, it is also a stress buster and beneficial in eliminating headaches just by soaking your feet in it.
Plant Origin: North America
Extraction Method: Steam distilled from leaves, stems and flower buds.
10 powerful self healing pure plant remedies of peppermint therapeutic-grade essential oil include:
- Peppermint therapeutic-grade essential oil has been shown to soothe digestion, improve intestinal motility and make digestion move more quickly.
- Peppermint oil can aid in eliminating gas, abdominal cramps and bloating. It's a wonderful addition to a glass of water (one drop in four ounces or two drops in eight ounces of water) for drinking after consuming a large meal.
- As a dietary supplement, therapeutic-grade essential oil of peppermint might also be useful for comfort related to Irritable Bowel Syndrome, diluted 1:2 in a quality vegetable oil, it will calm the constrictions of the intestines by massaging the abdomen area.
- When cold diffused and as a dietary supplement, it can halt food poisoning by inhibiting the growth of food-borne illnesses like salmonella.
- It is beneficial in calming the spasms involved with gallstones and reduces the digestive distress caused by Crohn's disease and Hepatitis.
- When applied to the forehead peppermint oil has been found to be as effective as acetaminophen in eliminating stress related headaches.
- Always dilute a drop of the oil in a teaspoon of carrier oil before applying to sensitive areas like the face. Add it to lotions and massage oils of your choice.
- Applying therapeutic-grade peppermint essential oil to other areas of the body, like adding it to a warm foot bath and soaking your tired sore feet for 15 minutes, can relieve muscle tension, joint discomfort, and aid in the relaxation process.
- Therapeutic-grade essential oil of peppermint can also be used as a mouthwash, to ease toothaches and clean out the mouth. And you thought mint was just in toothpaste because it tastes good!
- Peppermint oil is a great pure plant remedy and a go-to therapeutic-grade essential oil for stomach ailments and aches and pains, from headaches to joint pain. It smells great, too, so you'll want to use it all the time in supporting a self healing process.
Peppermint oil can cause skin sensitivity, so dilute the oil 1:2 in a quality vegetable oil if you are sensitive to other oils. Never take undiluted peppermint oil as a dietary supplement. Ask your doctor about the level of peppermint you can handle if you are pregnant, and don't use it on infants or small children. Don't use peppermint oil if you have chronic heartburn. Do not apply to open wounds or broken skin.
Always wash and rinse your hands thoroughly, before and after the use of peppermint oil. Avoid contact with your eyes. Keep all therapeutic-grade essential oils out of the reach of children.
Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents
This entire article is available for reprint electronically or in print, for free, as long as it is done in its entirety and the bylines are inclueded. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. Send to
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Tuesday's Tips
Would't It Be Great To Save Money By Participating In A Wellness Plan Using Pure And Natural Products That You Can Trust?
FAQ: How To Become A Young Living Member?
Effective: April 16, 2007
Professional Membership is a special account type for business entities that desire to purchase products for resale in their business establishment. Professional memberships will only be granted to those who submit a copy of a verifiable business license and a W-9 form with the Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN). These can be mailed or faxed (866)-203-5666, to Young Living Essential Oils, Inc, along with a written request. Professionals are required to order every 12 months to maintain an active membership. Professionals do not participate in the compensation plan.
Mailing Address:
Young Living Esential Oils, Inc - Corporate
Thanksgiving Point Business Park
3125 Executive Parkway
Lehi, Utah 84043
Your Enroller/Sponsor ID# 482218 Online Or By Phone, Mon-Fri, 7AM-7PM (MST)
Distributor Membership: may participate in compensation plan.
Start Living Kit
Item No. 3693
Price: $40.00 / No PV
50% off Diffuser Coupon.
Start Living with Everyday Oils Kit
Item No. 3700
Price $150.00 / 115 PV
Replaces the current Essential Oils Starter Kit
Start Living with NingXia Red Kit
Item No. 3696
Price $185.00 / 150 PV
Replaces the current NingXia Red Starter Kit
Start Living with Thieves Kit
Item No. 3694
Price $150.00 / 115 PV
Replaces the current A·R·T Starter Kit
Start Living with 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse + Core Essentials
Item No. 3685
Price $275.00 / 240 PV
Preferred Customer Membership
A autoship product order setup of $50.00/mo required to receives discounts and bonuses.
Retail Customer Membership
Order products at retail prices as desired.
Your membership ID information is always required to place an order online or by phone.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Monday, April 09, 2007
Can You See The Advantage Of Balance In Your Everyday Life?
Plant Origin: Austria, Hungary
Extraction Method: Steam-distilled from whole plant
It's a sad fact about the modern world that the vast majority of people feel stressed out and overwhelmed by all the things they have to do from day to day. Nervous tension is a big part of a lot of people's lives, causing headaches, nervous stomachs and other problems.
The good news is that using one therapeutic-grade essential oil can support the self healing process related to lifestyle and concerns associated with daily life in the modern world: dill oil.
- Dill oil is a powerful calmative that has been used for digestive problems and calming the mind.
- Just by inhaling or cold diffusing, it is thought to be the best choice for supporting feelings of overwhelm and is known to be stimulating, revitalizing and balancing.
- Therapeutic-grade essential oil of dill, as a dietary supplement, is said to be supporting the level of discomfort associated with excessive flatulence and constipation, and is also thought to be antispasmodic.
- By cold diffusng dill oil for about 15 minutes in the home space, it is beneficial to ease the mind, calm nervous headaches and even reduce the sweating involved with nervousness.
- This powerful therapeutic-grade essential oil is also said to be good for supporting the healing process of wounds and disinfecting sores.
- It is thought to be helpful for women who need help stimulating milk flow.
- Dill is traditionally used to assist babies with colic, but therapeutic-grade essential dill oil should not be used for this purpose because it is too powerful.
- For adults, however, dill oil is a safe dietary supplement, as long as it is diluted. One drop should be mixed into four ounces of liquid such as soy milk.
- Dill therapeutic-grade essential oil can also be used on the body and is considered non-irritating so it should be fine for most people to use on their skin without diluting.
- If you have sensitive skin, always test a small area with undiluted therapeutic-grade essential oil before using it on a larger area. If necessary, dilute in a carrier oil such as olive oil.
- Dill therapeutic-grade essential oil is a wonderful addition to massage oils that can be used when you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed.
- Massaging it into the stomach or using it in your bath scrubs and salts can ease stomach upset as well as easing your mind.
- The scent alone, of this therapeutic-grade essential oil is thought to ease colic symptoms as well as calming the mind and the stomach.
Dill therapeutic-grade essential oils is a great general-purpose self healing pure plant remedy to have on hand for dealing with the everyday stressors of modern life.
As with all therapeutic-grade essential oils, make sure that when working with dill oil you wash and rinse your hands thoroughly, before and after and avoid getting the oil in your eyes. Keep all therapeutic-grade essential oils out of the reach of children.
Safe Subscribe For Your Free Weekly Ezine, "Good Health-Good Scents Wellness Tools" at
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Tip Of The Day
“I spilled Wite-Out on my gorgeous, royal blue, fine woolen three-piece suit pants. I was so disgusted I threw the pants in the closet for many months and figured that they were ruined. One day, I figured that since they were ruined anyway I would try to get the spot out. I used a natural soap that normally takes out a lot of spots. Then I poured lemon essential oil on the spot. It miraculously disappeared! I was in shock. It was like new and it didn't even need dry cleaning. I now use lemon oil in my wash and keep it by the washer to get out bad spots.”
-Connie Allen
More Testimonials
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
10 % Off Oil Of The Month

Melissa Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil has a light, fresh, somewhat lemony scent, which makes sense since in the culinary world.
The ancient Romans used Melissa as a general tonic that was thought to help with nervous disorders, to strengthen the heart and to revitalize the spirit.
Good Health - Good Scents
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Friday, April 06, 2007
Chiropractor Says Raindrop Technique Will Rewrite the Books on Scoliosis

Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Chiropractor Says Young Living Essential Oils Are The Only Products She Uses
From: LeAnne Deardeuff
"I have been using Young Living’s essential oils for 5 years in my Chiropractic practice. They are wonderful. I don't use anything else now or any other products. We use the Master Cleanse with Comfortone and ICP for just about every ailment."
Thanks and happy healing!
Dr. Le Anne Deardeuff, D.C.
Kansas City, MO
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Chiropractor Says Essential Oils Gently Clear Emotional Patterns
"Changing an emotional pattern...requires accessing the cellular memory that is stored in the physical body. Essential oils... access the limbic system of the brain which is the seat of our emotions... “unlock” the DNA and allow emotional baggage to be released and cleared from cellular memory...Clearing emotional patterns with essential oils is very gentle."
Carolyn L. Mein, D. C. - Chiropractor
Author of Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils
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Wednesday, April 04, 2007
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Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Do You Have Spring Cleaning Fever Yet?
Wipe away those winter blues while disinfecting and deodorizing the kitchen, bathroom, or work area:
2 drops of rosemary oil
4 drops of lemon oil
3 drops of eucalyptus oil
4 drops of lavender oil
Shake well and continue to shake well while using to prohibit the oils and water from separating.
3 to 4 drops of Lavender Oil
5 to 6 drops of Purification Oil Blend
1/2 quart water
1/2 quart grain alcohol in a glass spray bottle will produce similar results.
Freshen Your Carpet:
Combine 16 to 20 drops of essential oils with 1 cup of baking soda or borax powder. Mix well and place in a covered container overnight so that the oil can be absorbed by the powder. Sprinkle over your carpet and vacuum up the powder immediately to infuse a rejuvenating fragrance into the home space.
Give Your Clothes An Invigorating Fragrance By Making A Sachet:
Place several drops of the desired essential oil, such as Lavender, Rose, Pine, Thieves, or Citrus Fresh, on a cotton ball or cotton cloth. Hang the sachet in a storage area, add it to your chest of linens, or put it in a bureau drawer to create an atmosphere of peace, comfort, and inspiration. Refresh as often as necessary. For children's sleepwear, Roman Chamomile is especially fragrant and relaxing.
When painting, add a 5 ml. bottle of your favorite
essential oil, such as White Angelica, Abundance, or Sacred Mountain, to 1 gallon of paint. Mix well. The oil will counteract the unpleasant smell of paint. Because essential oils are not fatty oils, they will not leave oil spots on the walls. We recommend that no more than 90 ml. of essential oils be used per 5 gallons of paint.
Welcome vitality back into your life and home with the invigorating fragrances of essential oils, while taking advantage of their remarkable cleansing and disinfecting
Have you tried Thieves Household Cleaner?
Thieves Cleaner and Carpet.
Yes! I used Thieves Household Cleaner the last two times i did my carpet! It is fantastic! Cleans better than the commercial shampoo and was cheaper too! I used 1/4 cup for two gallons of water. It leaves your house smelling wonderful! And you know you have killed all those germs!
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P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
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