Thursday, March 29, 2007

You Won't Believe What Self Healing Can Do for Osteo Arthritis

Dear Friends,

Pat's osteoarthritis testimony:

I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis almost a year May of 2006. When I went to visit my parents in Michigan that Memorial Day I had to get a wheelchair at the airports because I was in so much pain and so crippled from the arthritis that I couldn't move quickly enough to make my connections. I spent that whole week with pain patches, and pain pills, etc. Only days earlier I had been involved in a rigorous 12 week fitness program through my gym at work. I was working out 3 or 4 times a week...had recently stopped eating red meat and thought I was doing great. But, what I thought was stiffness in my knee was actually osteoarthritis. X-rays showed it in my knees, feet, hands, ankles. the Dr. put it " You've got arthritis all over"

I tried the traditional route with my doctor....ibuprofen and Vicodin. The codeine in the pills made me sick to my stomach...and the pain pills only worked to a point. There were many nights when I would awaken in pain to the point of tears. Still, I did what the doctors ordered for about six weeks....and then I turned back to what I know is Young Living oils and supplements.

A knowledgeable friend suggested ..lots of cleansing. I was already doing Young Living's Rejuvenate liver and colon cleanse..It's a 30 day I did for 90 days. I was already drinking at lease an ounce of Ningxia Red everyday...I increased that for the first month to 4-6 oz per day ( a bottle per week) and I did that for four weeks. Then, I reduced the amount to about 2-3 oz per day. I also added GLF oil ( gall, liver flush) and alternated it with Juvacleanse oil and I took Parafree for a month. Sulfurzyme became my new best friend and still is. ( I require much less of it now than I did during the height of my health challenge. In fact, I only take it every few days now.) But I was taking up to ten or 12 capsules in a day at first. And of course I used every anti-inflammatory oil in our Young Living arsenal....lots of peppermint, wintergreen, Idaho Balsam Fir, Oregano, Ginger, Clove...Lemongrass...and all of them worked for me. I say whatever works..use it.

When I was first diagnosed I was leading a very active lifestyle..working out , taking an African Dance Class that I loved...etc...but I had to stop all of that. At one point I had to use a cane. It was all I could do to get up and down the steps in my home let alone at work. And I was constantly in pain. But after about 3 -months of my Young Living regimen the pain was under control....and now I have resumed working out and I'm in new dance class that is just as much fun. .. I still have some stiffness and aches sometimes, but I control is with oils and supplements.. Occasionally I might have to take a pain pill but that's rare and usually happens when I have not taken the time to get proper rest , nutrition and exercise. I would say I'm about 90 I still have some work to do. But, I'm thrilled, because at one point I thought I might be on a cane or worse for life.

So I can only say...have confidence in faith in the fact that we have the best holistic health and healing products on the planet. I'm a testament to the fact that our bodies our marvelous wonders with the ability to heal themselves if we take proper care of ourselves.

One more thing..through it all I drank...lots of water..and still do. My goal is to drink a gallon a day...but if I get half of that I'm happy!

With blessings, Joy and love !

Pat Desamours
Atlanta, GA

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