Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Would You Like To Have Your Own Stress Reduction Regimen?

Dear Friends,

You Can Have Your Personal Stress Reduction Regimen.

Plant Origin:
North America

Extraction Method: Steam distilled

Re: Balancing Your Stressed Body And Mind With Ledum Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil.

Ledum is a therapeutic-grade essential oil that not a lot of people have heard of, but it is anti-inflammatory, anti tumor, antibacterial, acts like a diuretic, and supports the liver.

The strongly aromatic herb, was used by native people of Eastern Canada for tea, as a general tonic, and treated a variety of kidney related problems. North American native people used Ledum herb against scurvy for more than 5,000 years. Other native people used it for fevers and colds.

The Ledum herb is also known as Labrador tea or Greenland moss. It is powerful, not often used by beginners, but it could be very helpful as a general tonic.

When taken in a tea, Ledum Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil can calm the stomach, and it's also good for relieving feelings of nervousness. It is calming and has been used as a way to let out pent up emotions, as well as reducing insomnia. It is good for the digestive system and supports the health of the liver.

It is also a good oil to use for helping the respiratory system, bringing comfort to cold and flu symptoms including sore throat, nausea, aches and pains, coughs and congestion.

Using Ledum Oil in a diffuser is said to help boost the immune system. It is thought that therapeutic-grade essential oil of Ledum is particularly helpful during the recuperation process to rebuild the immune system after an illness. This is a more valuable use of Ledum Oil than taking it while you are sick.

Ledum Oil is wonderful for detoxification of the body as well, especially the liver and kidneys. It is also thought to be helpful for the thyroid.
Ledum Therapeutic- Grade Essential Oil has been used to support both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid, because it is useful for bringing the body back into balance, no matter what extreme it is on.

Ledum Oil is most often used topically or in a diffuser, but it can also be taken internally at a rate of two drops a day in vegetable caps. This is the preferred dosage for immune system support.

Always check with a naturopath or health care professional before taking therapeutic-grade essential Ledum Oil internally, especially if you are pregnant or under the care of a doctor.

It shouldn't be used on infants or small children and should be kept out of their reach. When used externally, it should be diluted with a quality vegetable oil, especially when used on areas of sensitive skin such as the face and neck.

Because of its strong smell, it's a wonderful idea to mix therapeutic-grade essential oil with another, nicer smelling oil. Peppermint oil, for instance, would be a good choice because of the smell and because its properties are similar for calming the stomach.

Ledum Oil is truly a support – all, and is a wonderful tonic for all sorts of ailments, obesity, and water retention, so it's a great choice for your natural medicine cabinet.

Always wash and rinse your hands thoroughly, before and after the use of therapeutic-grade essential oils, and also avoid contact with your eyes.

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P.S. Success To Your Wellnes Plans,
Good Health -Good Scents
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