Saturday, November 04, 2006

Official Press Releases

Dear Friends,
Some Uses And Benefits Of Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils Press Releases.
Unique Chemistry of Biblical Oils

While visiting her 81 year old post-operative aunt at The Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, she was invited to a seminar on "The Healing Oils of The Bible." The seminar was developed by a noted authority on essential oils and their healing applications
Full Story

95% Of The people Who Have Indigestion Don't Know It

She states that 95% of the people who have indigestion problems don't know it. Simply because when all of the 100,000,000 cells in the body are communicating in harmony, digestion is complete. Disease in the body is Indigestion and miscommunication among the body cells, resulting in free radicals. Simply put, many people are asking questions and understand that if free radicals remain unchecked, they can even attack DNA, the blueprint used to create each new cell in the body. If not repaired, damaged DNA copies itself to new cells created. In this manner, each new cell is damaged, and mutation can occur. A number of studies show that wolfberry is protective against DNA breakage and mutations.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plan,
Marketing Team

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