Thursday, November 30, 2006
How Do Essential Oils Work?
Did You Know There is Aroma And There Is Therapy?
How Do Essential Oils Work?
by D. Gary Young
Aromatherapy is a phrase coined by Rene-Maurice Gattefosse, Ph.D., in 1920. He was a French cosmetic chemist. While working in his laboratory, he had an accident that resulted in a third degree thermal burn of his hand and forearm. He plunged his arm into a vat of lavender oil, thinking that it was water. To his surprise, the burning slowly decreased and then stopped within a few moments. Over a period of time, with the continual application of lavender oil, the burn healed completely without a trace of a scar. As a chemist, he analyzed the essential oil of lavender and discovered that it contained many substances referred to as chemical constituents or chemical properties.
As a result of this, Dr. Gattefosse determined that essential oils contained tremendous healing properties. He came up with the word "aromatherapy". Dr. Gattefosse shared his experience with his colleague and friend, Dr. Jean Valnet, a medical doctor in Paris, France. During World War II, while serving as a medical physician in the French Army at the China Wall, treating war victims, Dr. Valnet ran out of antibiotics, so he decided to try using essential oils. To his amazement, they had a powerful effect in reducing and even stopping the infection, and he was able to save many of the soldiers who otherwise might have died even with antibiotics.
Dr. Valnet had two students who did their internship with him who were responsible for expanding his work, Dr. Paul Belaiche and Dr. Jean-Claude LaPraz. They discovered that essential oils contain antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties as well as being powerful oxygenators with the ability to act as carrying agents in the delivery of nutrients into the cells. For example, if you take a geranium plant and tear the leaf or the stem, a clear liquid will appear. This liquid is a very subtle and volatile essence that exudes from the damaged tissues of the leaf. So it is with the human body. With a cut or scrape, we see the flow of blood from that opening in the skin.
One significant difference between the blood and the plant liquid is the color. In the resin or oil being released from the plant, we find trace elements of nutrients, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antibodies, and antifungal, antibacterial, anti-infectious, antiseptic, and immune-stimulating properties. Another key agent found present in that resin is OXYGEN. Oxygen molecules are part of the chemical elements of the resin, such as alcohols, phenols, esters, sesquiterpenes, terpinols, etc., which together create an essential oil.
The plant releases the oil in order to clean the break, kill bacteria and start the regeneration process. When blood is released because of broken skin, it is for the same purpose: to clean the wound, kill the bacteria, prevent infection, and begin the healing and regeneration process. A simple comparison of the plant and the human body shows us a precise similarity, as both the oil and the blood are the transporters of the fundamental nutrients necessary to feed and nurture the cells.
Furthermore, the essential oil has the ability in its chemical structure to penetrate the cell wall and transport oxygen and nutrients inside the cell, thus increasing cellular oxygen and giving more support to the immune system. Research has shown that with their immune-stimulating properties, essential oils enhance and support the building of the immune system, whether they are inhaled or rubbed on the body topically. Those who contract a cold or the flu generally recover 70 percent faster using essential oils!
It has been said that when essential oils are diffused in the home, they have the ability to increase the atmospheric oxygenating molecules into the air. Oils increase ozone and negative ions in the home, which inhibit bacteria growth. This prevents and destroys existing odors from mold, cigarettes, animals, etc. Essential oils have the electrical magnetic attraction to fracture the molecular chain of chemicals and take them out of the air, rendering them non-toxic to the body. Scientists in European countries have found that essential oils will bond to metallics and chemicals and carry them out of the body, working as natural chelators, inhibiting these toxic substances from staying in the tissues. Essential oils remove dust particles out of the air and, when diffused in the home, can be the greatest air filtration system. These are all wonderful attributes of essential oils. Essential oils can be extracted from plants, trees, seeds, flowers, petals, stems, roots, bark, or even the whole plant. Today, about 200 different types of oils are being distilled with several thousand chemical constituents and aromatic molecules that have been identified and registered.
These aromatic substances and compounds within the oils will alter and change -- based on weather conditions, climate, temperatures, and distillation factors. Today, 98 percent of essential oils are used in the perfume and cosmetic industry.
Essential oils are recognized as being the greatest substances for increasing cellular oxygen through their normal function. When applied to the body by rubbing on the feet, essential oils will travel throughout the body and affect every cell, including the hair, within 20 minutes.
They may have a lasting effect for as long as five months from only one application. The oils do not build up and store in the body because they are very subtle and volatile and have a high evaporation rate. Because of their chemical structure, they are metabolized like other nutrients in the cells.
One of the causes of disease in both the plant and the human body is the inability of nutrients to penetrate the cell wall, causing cell deterioration, leading to cell mutation, creating a host for bacteria and disease.
The integral part of the nose responsible for odor detection is the olfactory, consisting of two membranes, one on each side of the mucous membrane covering the bony extension of the nose. The olfactory membranes are very tiny and are well protected by the casing of the nose. They contain about 800 million nerve endings for processing and detecting odors. These nerve endings are triggered from a signal from the genes along the inside passage of the nose. The olfactory hair-like nerves receive the micro-fine, vaporized oil particles, carrying them along the axon of the nerve fibers, connecting them with the synapse of the secondary neurons in the olfactory bulb. The impulses carried to the limbic system and the olfactory sensory center at the base of the brain, pass between the pituitary and pineal gland and then to the amygdala, which is the memory center for fear and trauma. The impulses then travel to the gustatory center where the sensation of taste is perceived.
Only in 1989 was it discovered that the amygdala plays a major role in storing and releasing emotional trauma, and only odor or fragrance stimulation has a profound affect in triggering a response with this gland. Dr. Joseph Ledoux, of the New York Medical University, feels that this could be major break-through in releasing emotional trauma. People who have turbinate problems, such as a deviated septum, polyps, or who have had nose surgery, may have a very difficult or impossible time detecting the complete odor. The same holds true for people who have worn a lot of make-up, perfume and cologne or used hair sprays, hair colorings, perms and other products with synthetic odors. Many olfactory hairs respond to only one kind of odor molecule, and simultaneously others will respond to several different kinds of odors. This tells us that not all of the receptors are stimulated at the same time in the presence of odorous vapors.
The olfactory nerves are very much like other nerves and organs in the body. They also respond to electrical signals and impulses that form coded messages that are dispatched to various areas of the body. This may be why some oil inhalation will increase endorphin, neurotransmitter and antibody production.
Fragrance is one of man's greatest enjoyments, bringing back memories of past experience and creating a feeling of security, grounding and well-being.
Copyright 1996-2000 Dr. Gary Young
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health-Good Scents
Marketing Team
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Tuesday's Tips
Tuesday's Tips: Ambiance In Your Home For The Holiday Season.
"If you have a counter top, floor tile, paint on the wall, or drapes, you are living in a chemical environment. The best wasy to protect your home environment is by having at least two or three diffusers in your home." D. Gary Young
How To Create Your Own Ambiance.
To improve the air quality and reduce toxins in your home or office, Theives Household Cleaner can be used on all surfaces from ceiling fans to floors and leaves your home sparkling clean.
Diffusing Theives Oil blend can kill and prevent mold throughout your home or office.
Diffusing Abundance Oil blend will enhance positive energy in the home or office.
Oil Spritz: put a few drops of your favorite relaxing or uplifiting oil in a spray bottle with spring or filtered water and mist towels, linen, and other clothes.
Christmas Spirit Oil blend - to start spreading good cheer, joy and happiness, just open it and start diffusing.
Keep A Safe And Healthy Holiday Home.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - the air within homes and other buildings can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialized cities.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Monday, November 27, 2006
Celebrating The Holiday Season Ambiance At Home
Are You Looking For A Way To Celebrate The Changing Of the Seasons?
Scent has the power to evoke emotions and memories. Creating an aromatic atmosphere by diffusing therapeutic-grade essential oils will bring additional benefits, such as purifying the air and helping to soothe and relax all in your home.
DOUGLAS FIR 5ml (Pseudotsuga menziesii) has a crisp, invigorating, woodland pine aroma that is spiritually realigning. Used in massage, it helps relieve muscles after exercise.
SPRUCE - 15 ML (Picea mariana) is softer and sweeter in aroma than other evergreen oils. It is refreshing, invigorating, and strengthening. It also has a long history of use in the sauna, steam bath, and as an additive to baths or massage oils used for sore muscles associated with strenuous exercise. It is supportive of the respiratory and nervous systems. Its aromatic influences also help to open and release emotional blocks, bringing about a feeling of balance and of peaceful security.
PINE - 15 ML (Pinus sylvestris) has a refreshing, invigorating aroma. First investigated by Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, for its benefits to the respiratory system, pine is used in massage for stressed muscles and joints. It shares many of the same properties as Eucalyptus globulus, and the action of both oils is enhanced when they are blended. Avoid oil adulterated with turpentine, a low-cost but potentially hazardous filler.
CHRISTMAS SPIRIT - 15 ML Christmas Spirit™ taps into the happiness, joy, and security associated with the holiday season. With Christmas Spirit™ on hand, all you have to do to begin spreading good cheer is open a bottle and start diffusing.
ORANGE - 15 ML (Citrus sinensis) essential oil has a rich, citrusy scent that lifts the spirit while providing a calming influence. Orange brings peace and happiness to the mind as it supports the health of the respiratory, digestive, and circulatory systems. It is rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene and aids in maintaining normal cellular regeneration. Orange has an approximate ORAC of 18,898 (TE/L). TE/L is expressed as micromole Trolox equivalent per liter.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Holiday Gift Giving And Gift Receiving Celebration
FAQ: What Are You Celebrating This Holiday Season?
Good Health - Good Scents Answer: Beautiful Skin Has Always Been Considered An Important Part Of Health.
As the body's largest organ, our skin is constanly exposed to contaminated water, air pollution, and the sun, which can sabotage healthy skin and leave lasting effects on the skin strength, resiliency, and appearance.
Do You Desire Skin That Is Worthy Of Celebration?
You Can Give And Receive Age Refining Technology This Holiday Season.
A superior concept in skin restoration, Young Livings A·R·T™, Age Refining Technology, combines DNA recovery enzymes - an advanced technology - with a proprietary anti-aging Peptide Complex, to reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles, diminish age spots, even skin tone and increase elasticity and density of your skin. Recognizing the incredible power of essential oils, Young Living added frankincense and sandalwood to this unique formula to reinforce DNA renewal. Add the legendary wolfberry seed oil, known for its superior moisturizing and skin conditioning properties, and you have the formula for a truly unique and effective skin care system.
Essential oils offer pure, potent plant remedies for the skin and have been used since ancient times for a number of skin care needs. Specially formulated to treat dry, oily or acne-prone skin types, Young Livings® Essential Beauty Serums™ uses pure essential oils including sandalwood, orange, lavender, and other rare, exotic oils such as pink pepper, blue cypress, and davana to protect, strengthen, and improve the appearance of skin.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Essential Living Week
An Important Message: How To Live With Essential Marketing Strategies.
If you are ready to increase your profits, drive more leads, and explode your marketing efforts, then you must keep reading.
Marketing Madness 2006
Matt Bacak assembled 5 of the world's greatest online & offline marketers to reveal their most closely guarded strategies, tactics and readyto use marketing systems they're using right now to produce immediate, sustainable results for themselves and their clients.
Best of all you can now get these marketing strategies right now!
I urge you to accept my personal invitation to learn from marketing experts:
1) Stefanie Hartman, who quickly turns clients into millionaires!
2) Adam Ginsburg, who made 20 million Dollars on eBay in the last 3 years!
3) Tom Antion, who sells an enormous amount of products and services on the Internet and publishes the largest E-magazine in the world on Public Speaking!
4) Warren Whitlock, who's created numerous best selling authors!
5) Marko Kozlowski, who makes big fat checksin Real Estate.
6) Mike Stewart shows you how to bring your website alive and INSTANTLY increase your conversion rates by 300% with audio - Are you getting the maximum dollars out of your website?
7) And Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter and #1 best selling author of "The Ultimate Lead Generation Plan."
Explode your marketing now by visiting:
Marketing Madness 2006
I sincerely hope you take advantage of this powerful information because I want you to explode your marketing efforts this year!
P.S. A good friend of mine once said "You don't have to get it right, you just have to get it going!". This quote is completely right. It's time to stop thinking about how you're going to make your first million and get out there and start MAKING IT!
But you must claim your copy NOW.
So go to Marketing Madness 2006
to grab your copy right away!
P.P.S. Success To Your Wellness And Marketing Plans
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Thursday, November 23, 2006
A Greatful Wellness Support Announcement
A Grateful And Thanksgiving Annoncement For Wellness Plans Support.
Nova Vita S.A.
Centro Para Medicina Natural
Natural Healing and Wellness Center
Av. Las Monjas # 115
Entre Circunvatacion y catanera
Urdesa Central
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Tel: Out of Country: 011-593-288-3460
Tel: In Country: 04-288-3460
Nova Vita (New Life) is dedicated to helping people heal their bodies with natural God-given tools and life style changes.
The Nova Vita Center is located in the heart of the business district of Guayaquil, Ecuador about 10 minutes from the International Airport
Major airlines such as Delta, Continental, American, Copa Airlines (, Lan Ecuador ( or, and Avianca have direct flights out of various cities in the United States. Air France and Iberia fly directly from Europe.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Markteing Team
Gratitude In Your Every Day Life
A Very Happy, Healthy, Prosperous And Safe Thanksgiving Day To Everyone.
"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, 'thank you,' that would suffice." Meister Eckhart
Gratitude…This Therepeutic Grade Essential Oils Blend contains: Idaho Balsam Fir, Frankincense, Rosewood, Myrrh, And Galbanum.
A soothing blend, designed to elevate the spirit, calm emotions, and bring relief to the body while helping to foster a grateful attitude. Add it to bath water for a peaceful and liberating experience that provides the additional benefits of nourishing and supporting the skin.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
A Very Merry Holiday Gift Giving Guide

Good Health - Good Scents Wish You All A Very Healthy, Happy And Safe Holiday Gift Giving Experience.
Did You Know That With Ultimate Wellness In Mind, There Are Over 125 Ways To Get The Biggest Bang For Your Gift Giving Bucks?
Essence Of The Season.
ESSENCE OF THE SEASON™ lifts spirits and heightens spiritual awareness while refreshing and purifying the air.
Contains: Two Single Oils (5ml bottles): Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) and Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha). One Blend (5ml): Christmas Spirit™. Two Gum Resins: Frankincense and Myrrh.
Advanced Holiday Cooking.
ESSENTIAL OIL COOKING SET Add a little flavor to every holiday party with new dish ideas and flavorful essential oils from Young Living®.
The Aromatherapy Lover's Delight.
ESSENTIAL OIL DIFFUSER SET (GREEN) An aromatherapy lover�s delight, purchase a Complete Diffuser Set and receive three favorite diffusing oils free!
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Tuesday's Tips
What If There Was NO Holiday Stress?
Holiday stress? Enjoy the Peace and Calming blend and feel the stress dissolve. Simply inhale the aroma, massage the oil into the bottoms of your feet, your forehead, your shoulders…, and/or diffuse it into your home.
Want more energy for that to-do list? En-R-Gee blend was created to provide us with a powerful, smooth, healthy increase in energy.
Want another headache remedy? Rub a drop of "PanAway" oil on the temples, forehead and back of the neck.
Try lemon oil to remove the label glue on a bottle you wish to save, or\n remove tar from your automobile. I also use it to spray cutting boards, fresh fruit, and as a light air\nrefresher. Daily, I drink YL lemon oil in my water to help alkalize ph.\n\nAre you feeling a\nlittle scattered? Try the GATHERING blend.
At end of Life use FRANKINCENSE on forehead and ROSE on the heart.
"Lemon" oil is powerful in its ability to dissolve petrochemicals. Try lemon oil to remove the label glue on a bottle you wish to save, or remove tar from your automobile. I also use it to spray cutting boards, fresh fruit, and as a light air refresher. Daily, I drink YL lemon oil in my water to help alkalize ph.
Are you feeling a little scattered? Try the GATHERING blend.
The "Peace & Calming" blend, along with "Mineral Essence" supplement, may be a healthy nalternative to Ritalin. Here is a quick therapy: VALOR blend on wrist, HARMONY blend on solar plexus, JOY blend on heart, and WHITE ANGELICA blend on the face, shoulders, chest, legs and hair.
Are you unsure what to get someone for a Holiday gift?
There is a diffuser special which continues this month, with three free bottles of oil: citrus fresh, evergreen essence, and Christmas Spirit. You can replace toxic air fresheners in your home with pure, therapeutic grade essential oils. Add aromatic beauty to your home this Holiday Season and\ndiscover the many benefits of therapeutic grade essential oils. You’ll be so happy you did.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Monday, November 20, 2006
A Great Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil Weight Loss Testimonial
How Many Weight Loss Programs Do You Know Of, That Really Works?
Weight loss with Citrus Fresh, Ledum and Grapefruit
Author: Tiffany Rowan Read my other testimonials
Posted: 2005-05-25
While I was in Dallas in January of 2003 to listen to Gary Young speak, I took notes of his recipe for weight loss. He said that saturation was the key to weight loss and cancer. He described how the body stores environmental toxins in our fat cells to save them from being deposited in our organs and wreaking havoc. Toxins saturate the cells with a filmy layer and prevent them from taking in nutrition. This continues a cycle where we grow more fat cells which can store more toxins and we keep getting larger and larger. We aren't growing more blood veins to carry nutrition to these new outer layers of fat cells, and so we aren't able to effectively loose weight at the rate we would like. Essential oils digest the filmy layer that saturates the cell wall and the essential oil's high content of oxygen piggy backs nutrients into the cell.
I recognized most of the oils in his recipe were in the blend named Citrus Fresh. So I ignored his recipes and I bought Citrus Fresh, Grapefruit, Ledum and some capsules. The Citrus Fresh with Ledum breaks up the fat and the Grapefruit by capsule digests the fat. This is what I did according to memory. I am retelling this story a year and a half later. I lost almost three inches in six weeks. (That's all I had left to lose.) This happened in March/April of 2003. Please keep in mind that cellulite is literally toxins being stored in the fat cells. My experience may have happened more quickly than for some of you because I have been using natural medicines, clean water, and natural personal care products for years. My body has not accumulated the type and amount of toxins that most people have. Please be patient if you have more to lose than I did or if it takes you longer because of the type of toxins you are carrying. Other people have tried to lose inches with Citrus Fresh and Grapefruit without adding the Ledum, or they tried these oils but they diluted them, or they tried using them sparingly. Saturation is the key. Follow this recipe exactly or it won't work for you.
The first night I put ten drops of Ledum into the bottle of Citrus Fresh. I swallowed two capsules, 10 drops each, of Grapefruit. I dotted the bottle of Citrus Fresh about every inch apart across my hips and rounded belly. I wrapped myself in cellophane and went to bed. About two hours later I needed to pee. (Some of these oils are diuretics.) About two hours after that, I was awakened with the feeling that something had broken loose. I continued to feel this throughout the night for about four more times. I had to pee about every two hours, but returned to sleep quickly after each trip to the bathroom. (Try citrus fresh over the liver for a great night's happy sleep).
The cellophane was Dr. Young's recommendation to keep the oils from evaporating and therefore working longer. It made me sweaty so I didn't wear it any more after the first night. For the next two weeks, I continued to generously dot the bottle of Citrus Fresh to my hips and belly and take the two capsules of Grapefruit. I noticed that my left hip was larger than the other because I couldn't reach that side with my right hand. So I stopped putting the Citrus Fresh on the right side until I got the left side evened out. After two weeks, I went to one capsule of Grapefruit a night because I wanted the bottle to last me until the next month when I would order some more. After about the sixth week, I took one capsule every three days for maintenance, and I dotted the Citrus Fresh on about once every week. I became pregnant after that and discontinued both of these oils.
I lost almost three inches in six weeks. My skin firmed up nice and tight. My jaw line firmed up where I put the Citrus Fresh. The grapefruit balanced out my hormones, and I began to have a regular menstrual cycle without pain or discomfort. This regimen did cause the cholesterol to come out in the form of acne, but I kept my complexion clean with lemon oil. I only use Young Living brand essential oils because of their unadulterated purity. Young Living goes through long rigorous processes to guarantee that every bottle exceeds FDA standards and that the essence of every plant is still in tact. DON'T internally take oils from another company. They could harm you. My testimony is based on my experience with Young Living oils and their documented science. I don't trust anyone else.
Nine months after I had my sixth child, I tried this again. The oils sent hormone messages which began my periods again. I had to wait till three months after breastfeeding ended before I could successfully try this again. Except this time I used Cel-Lite Magic. I cannot attribute my weight-loss to JUST Cel-Lite Magic because I began using Power Meal for breakfast, and began applying parts of Chronobiotic Nutrition (protein before 3 and carbs after 3 with no snacking after dinner). I do attribute ALL of my skin-firming and disappearance of spider veins to Cel-Lite Magic.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils Tried And Tested
Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils Gets To The Root Of The Matter. All The Way To The Cellular Level.
OK tried, tested and true!!!
I woke up this morning with an awful pain in my lower right back. (it’s an old injury area) I don't recall doing anything that triggered this. I was planning on going to take a class at the gym just 45 minutes after waking up.
I could not bend forward AT ALL. i could not turn to my left or right AT ALL. It hurt me to breathe in. I have no interest in having this back pain ever ever again. The pain was right on the edge of it being really close to how it felt with my last injury several years ago. I drank my Ningxia Red juice, I took Alkalime in water and my Omega Blue and Longevity capsule and went right for my oils. I must have lathered 15 different oils on continually for 15 minutes. They helped for sure but the pain was still there.
I thought what did Gary teach us to do for pain? Ahhhhhhhh YES! He just showed us the results of using 4 different oils for 200 post surgery patients. He revealed to us that 200 people out of 200 had 100% pain control with using these 4 oils right after surgery. I thought OK this has got to work because I am just not into this kind of pain and I AM going to the gym!
I found the recipe in my notes from convention.. .
20 drops of Valerian
10 drops of Helichrysum
3 drops of Clove
3 drops of Peppermint.
As I am pouring the oils into my capsules I am thinking, God this is an expensive formula and that only lasted about 10 seconds before I thought No! Expensive is being out of work as a massage therapist and not being able to work for weeks let alone not being able to move and walk normally. If this worked for 200 people it just has to work for me!
I am telling the complete truth here now.. Within 10 minutes of taking the capsules I was out of the severe pain. I thought, go lay on ice, go put moreoils on... No, I chose to see what this pain formula would do. Within 20 minutes (I swear) I bent over and put my shoes on and was out the door to the gym. Burping my oils up (we are supposed to! :)) all the way to the gym I thought I am going to try this and just be really cautious and go slow. Within 1/2hour I was 95% free of pain and was working out with 10 LB weights and twisting, lunging, doing core strength work pain free! 201!!!! Count me in Gary!! It worked and I only did one dose of this treatment all day and I am still out of pain tonight!!!!! Thank God!! I don't call this a miracle anymore. All the compounds and properties are there in nature.
For the last 10 years since I started using the oils for myself and my bodywork clients I have seen consistent phenomenal changes and results both physically and emotionally. and just to let you know I used 20 different brands of essential oils for 14 years with my bodywork clients before I ever heard of Young Living oils and NEVER EVER saw one result. I used them because I felt drawn to oils and because they smelled good.
The reason why our oils are so effective is because of a man named Gary Young and his knowledge, tenacity and years of study and research around the world. Not only that, he is a master agriculturist, farmer and distiller which is why our oils work!
I just LOVE having yet another personal testimonial!
If you are in any sort of pain USE THIS FORMULA!
In a size "00" vegicap (you will need 2 empty capsules for this)
20 drops of Valerian
10 drops of Helichrysum
3 drops of Clove
3 drops of Peppermint
Tried, Tested and True!!!
Julie Chertow
P.S. please feel free to pass my testimonial forward
P.S. Succes To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Plan
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Smell And Feel The HEALING Power Of Therapeutic-grade Essential Oils.
NEW TO AMERICA! Palo Santo Therapeutic-grade Essential Oil Speaks For Itself Wherever It Goes.
PALO SANTO 5ML Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens), also known as "Holy Wood," is an essential oil high in limonene (60-65%), about the same amount found in Young Living's lemon essential oil. Palo Santo has been used for years in folk medicines and in liniments and has properties similar to frankincense. Palo Santo can also be worn as a perfume to release negative energy.
i just got back from my three month follow up with my primary care physician.i had a bone density done a month ago and she was very impressed with the 2.5% improvement in my spine and my 3.3% improvement in my left femur.
she said the medication must be working. I had been on it 3 months and maybe took 8 doses and stopped taking it three months ago. and since it was a once a week dose I frequently forgot to take it.
i said no i stopped taking it because of how i reacted to it with major gas/stomach problems. then she asked what had i done to make these changes.
i told her i'd been putting palo santo on my back and pelvic region as well as on the wrist i broke 5 years ago. i found when i applied it to my wrist that it felt as if the wrist were trying to straighten up. it felt magical. so smart one that i am i applied it to my back and pelvis to help a break i had in 1965. she was amazed. our oils rock!!!
debbie hurley
Palo Santo and Pain from Severe Injury causing Paralysis
Jolene McCann wrote us about her friend, Taylor Hyman from NC who had suffered a C6 injury from a bicycle accident two years ago, which has left her paralyzed from the waist down, and in much pain. Jolene said the only thing that seemed to alleviate the pain was Palo Santo, and they were using it very sparingly, after getting the sample bottles when Gary gave his New York seminar.
She sent out a plea for additional bottles, so I sent mine, as did Richard and Shauna Dastrup (perhaps others), and I received a beautiful letter from Taylor, referring to it as "this miraculous oil," and she wrote it was "supporting my health promotion, maintenance, and continued healing."
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plan,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Friday, November 17, 2006
Emotional Release And Therapeutic-grade Essential Oils

Dear Friends,
Have You Ever Noticed How Some Smells Can Send You Back To A Special Memory, Place, And Time With All The FEELINGS Associated With
That Moment?
Studies have proven that the amygdala gland (the gland in the limbic system of the brain that stores and releases trauma in the body) does not respond to sound or sight or touch, but ONLY releases emotional trauma through the sense of smell.
The Essential Oils FEELINGS KIT
Feelings™ Kit was developed to help clear emotional patterns and blocks. Emotions are the most elusive part of the human body, yet they affect every aspect of our lives. For example, extreme stress can cause both physical and emotional problems. We might become anxious, depressed, or irritable, which may in turn result in difficulty sleeping, digestive concerns, and more.
Aromatherapy has proven effective in bringing the body and mind back to peak performance.
The Feelings™ Kit will help you move forward in life with newfound excitement, happiness, and a sense of greater accomplishment. Includes a Feelings Kit cassette.
Contains: Twelve Blends (5 ml bottles): Forgiveness™, Grounding™, Harmony™, Hope™, Inner Child™, Joy™, Present Time™, Release™, SARA™, 3 Wise Men™, Valor® and White Angelica™.
P. S Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Essential Oils Week
You Are About to Learn How To Get The Biggest BANG For Your Holiday Wellness Shopping BUCK?
FAQ: After trying exercise, the massage therapist and the nutritionist and the chiropractor and the accupuncturist, either they hurt me or it did not help much or only for a little while. Will therapeutic-grade essential hurt me? Do I have to keep using it?
Answer: Plant fragrances are made of nature's ancient molecules: complex substances whose structure allows them to pass easily and quickly through our skin, and through the cell membranes of every cell in our bodies.
We breathe them in and instantly, as they touch the brain, the molecules of essential oils enliven neurons, inspire emotions, awaken immune response, stimulate hormones, which can then enhance energy, digestion, mental clarity, body temperature, circulation, and the feeling of being connected to nature.
Just one drop of therapeutic-grade essential oil can carry as powerful a message as an entire bouquet of flowers. One drop can carry as bio-chemically complex a message as a food or a medicine: It can stimulate our immune activity, open our lungs, enhance our hearing, ease tired and achy muscles, improve flexibility and so much more!
FAQ: How Do I Use Them For Aromatherapy?
Answer: Using therapeutic-grade essential oils for humans or animals is a powerful form of aromatherapy that contains sesquiterpenes, monoterpenes and phenylpropanoids.
Remember, always wash your hands before and after using therapeutic-grade essential oils and do not put essential oils near or in your eyes.
For A Right Handed Person - uncap the bottle, drop the amount of drops dersired into the palm of your left hand, spread the oil with the fingers of your right hand in a clodkwise motion and then apply it or inhale it.
If in DOUBT DILUTE. If you experience any burning sensation upon applying an oil. Dilute with a quality vegetable oil) . Always Avoid Putting Your Hands Near Your Eyes.
Do NOT touch the opening in the bottle with your fingers, you will comtamintate your oil always tip the bottle and drop the oil where you want it to go. Depending on the viscosity of the oil, some may flow faster than others. OOPS.
Stored properly therapeutic-grade essential oils will last for years.
Diffuse - Use ONLY cold diffusing methods 15- 20 minutes at a time. Heating therapeutic-grade essential oil will alter the molecular structure and the benefits of healing. Remember, you want more bangs for your bucks.
For Baths - Dilute 3-5 drops of therapeutic-grade essential oil with a small amount quality vegetable oil (as a carrier) or small amount honey and mix it into your favorite bath salt. Put it in the tub and then run your bath water and mix well before stepping into the tub. Indulge And Enjoy!
For Massage - Dilute with a quality vegatable oil, and massage creams or just drop it on a particular area and massage it in as a support to the regular massage if your are doing the Raindrop Technique, which is done with specific oils and techniques. Bang.
Digestion - Place desired drops into an empty vegetable cap. Add rice or soy milk to desired drops of oil. Under the tongue. Use a tootpick dip of oil for tea, food, and water flavoring and add more to taste. Avoid using plastic or paper eating containers, the oils are powerful and will simply ingest it. Bang
Topical - Use warm moist compresses on localized area.
Right Now. You Can Spruce Up Your Own Holiday Spirit, (BANG). And Give Some Well Deserved Wellness Gifts This Holiday Season Of Giving. (More BANGS)
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plan,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Essential Pet and Animal Wellness Tips
A FAQ: How can animals benefit from therapeutic-grade essential oils?
Answer: Yes, therapeutic-grade essentail oils can be used and beneficial in your animal's wellness plan; Pet Scents Shampoo, Pet Ointment, "neet" essential oils on fleas and ticks removal, for nervousness, trauma, worms, pain, and bleeding.
There is a great deal of resources and research being done on the benefits of thereapeutic-grade essential oil use for animals well being.
The Internet Radio Show Animal Talk Naturally may be helpful to many of you.
A Tip For You From The President About Animals And The Use Of Therapeutic-grade Essential Oils.
November 1997 D. Gary Young, N.D.
President Young Living Essential Oils
Animals, Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
"I have raised animals all my life and presently have several miniature horses as well as four teams of draft horses. I also have pygmy goats, Barbadoes sheep and llamas at my ranch where I reside. On my 1300 acre herb farm at Whispering Springs in Mona, Utah, I have an animal petting zoo with Bactrian camels, zeeboos from Africa (miniature Bramas), Watusi cows and bulls, Walleroos (miniature kangaroos), llamas, buffalo, miniature donkeys, as well as horses and goats. As you can see, we have a wide variety of animals.
We have used the oils extensively on many of the animals and are continually making discoveries. The animals respond extremely well and we feel they have benefited greatly.
In my experience, I have found that animals respond to essential oils much the same as humans. Animals are not as sensitive to the phenol and sesquiterpene constituents so they can be applied "neet" or full strength. One needs only to determine which oils are applicable to the situation and then apply a few drops 3-4 times daily.
The amount for small animals like cats and dogs is like the application for a child: 3-4 drops each time applied. For larger animals like large dogs apply 6-7 drops. For horses, apply 15-20 drops.
After applying the oils, I have found it beneficial to cover the open wound with Gentle Care Rose Ointment, which keeps the skin soft and helps promote the healing.
I have appllied the oils in the following ways:
1.Apply on their paws where the absorption is very fast.
2.On cloven hoof animals apply on the auricular points of the ears and/or spine or both.
3.Underneath the top lip on the gums and on the tongue.
4.Sprinkle a few drops on the spine and then massage into skin, just like with humans.
P.S. Success To Your Pets Wellness Plan,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Oil Essentials Training in Houston, Texas
Are We In Your Home Town Yet?
Plan now to attend the Oil Essentials Training and Education event in Houston, Texas, on Saturday, November 18. 2006
At this very special seminar, Young Living's Dr. David Hill will conduct a seven-hour essential oil training course, where he will provide the latest in scientific research and education. The course will cover the basics of oil efficacy and application, an in-depth explanation of how our body systems respond to essential oils, and the favorite Dr. Mom segment on managing common family health concerns.
Registration includes training materials, a FREE Oil Essentials kit with favorite oils such as frankincense, Peace & Calming®, and PanAway®, as well as a Young Living-approved lunch buffet.
For more information, visit, but space is limited so register early!
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plan,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Advanced Essential Cooking
Yes, Let Us Not Forget About Food.
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, give your holiday guests cuisine that is flavorful and nourishing.
Yes, The Advanced Essential Holiday Cooking Set
Treat your family and friends to an early brunch of appetizing Orange French Toast made with orange essential oil, and on cold nights our Holiday Hot Carob Drink will keep them warm. You will receive these two delicious recipes plus two more when you purchase the Holiday Cooking Set, as well as an 8-ounce Blue Agave and peppermint, orange, clove, nutmeg, and cinnamon essential oils (all 5 ml).
Buy one Holiday Cooking Set to keep and one to give as a gift!
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plan,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Tuesday's Tip
Why Should We Protect Our DNA?
If free radicals remain unchecked, they can even attack DNA, the blueprint used to create each new cell in our body.
Tuesday's Tip
A number of studies show that wolfberry is protective against DNA breakage and mutations. Additionally, ellagic acid, found in blueberries, raspberries, and pomegranates (all juice ingredients in NingXia Red Juice) has been found to "protect DNA against injury."
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plan,
Good Health- Good Scents
Marketing Team
Monday, November 13, 2006
Essential Fatty Acids
Did You Know That 95% - 99% of All American Have an Omega -3 Deficiency?
The single most important factor to consider is the fish oil freshness. Omega Blue fish oil is havested from small fish in pristine waters free of heavy metals(mercucy, lead), PCB'S, and dioxins.
There Are Good Fats And Bad Fats.
Fish oils and omega -3 fatty acids have been shown to help children who cannot focus while at school.
Our brains are 60% fat by weight and 80% of the cerebral cortex fat needs to be composed of Omega -3 fatty acids.
Omega -3 essential fatty acids found in fish oil are among the best good fats. Omega-3 fats offer unparalled support for a healthy heart, circulatory, eye, brain and joint functions. Volumes of research confirm that Omega-3 reduce systemic-inflammation.
FAQ-What are DHA and EPA?
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahesaenonic acid) are simply Omega - 3 fats. Both DHA and EPA are found in fish oil and research shows thay are vital to its therapeutic activity.
It is important to find a fish oil with natural ratios of omega-3 fats.
It is important to look for fish oil that is strengthened with natural antioxidants to preserve the fish oil. Omega Blue contains the Omega Enhance blend of blue (German) chamomile, lemongrass, myrrh, and clove therapeutic-grade essential oils. The blends also keeps the fish oil ten times more stable. Precision delivery softgels release fish oil in the intestines for three times more absorptions and no fishy aftertaste.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plan,
Good Health- Good Scents
Marketing Team
Oil Of The Month

MONTLY SPECIAL: 10% Off Di-Gize 15ml Essential Oils Blend - Nov 16, - Dec. 15, 2006
Di-Gize 15ml, Essential Oil Blend is a dietary supplement that provides valuable aid for digestive concerns. It helps support a healthy digestive system. It is an ideal companion to ComforTone and JuvaTone.
Promotion Details:
This promotion will run from November 16 through December 15, 2006.
This offer is available on regular orders, through the Automated Phone System, and on autoship and Essential Rewards autoship if the order is processed on or before December 15.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plan,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Essential Nutrition

Dear Friends,
Nutrition: The process of nurishing or being nurished. The process by which a living organism assimulates food and uses it for growth and tissue replacement.
There Is Only One Choice For A Healthier More Vibrant Life.
Answer: NingXia Red Juice! A Naturally Delicious Nutrient Infusion.
Essential Nutrition For daily nutrient protection or for targeted body system support, nothing is superior to our Essential Nutrition product line. Our pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils blend with the best whole superfoods and nutraceuticals for a remarkable effect. When you take NingXia Red Juice or any of Young Living’s nutritional products, there's a difference you will notice almost immediately.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plan,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Saturday, November 11, 2006
The Flu And Cold Season May Be For REAL For Some Individuals
A Great Testimonial
Beat The Flu, Cough & Cold
Debra Raybern, N.D., M.H., C.N.C. updated 2006
It is time once again to get our bodies and homes in shape for the coming cold and flu season. Revving up our immune system and keeping our homes "germ" free is the order of the day.Our family follows these simple, yet extremely effective steps to strengthen the immune system and protect ourselves not just from the flu, but coughs, sore throats and the common cold.
FOOD - Cold weather puts an added stain on the body by depleting necessary nutrients. To give yourself an added boost, make the foundation of every meal a healthy choice. Now, yes, I know that almost all of us will make some exceptions to healthy eating, especially during the holidays - cookies, pies, and an assortment of holiday treats, but since sugar will slow down the bodies overall metabolism and immune system response, you should keep the sweets to a minimum and the healthy fresh fruits and vegetables high. A large fresh salad makes a great addition to any meal. Winter fruits like apples, citrus and pears are in season and make great snacks and are naturally sweet.A favorite all natural sweetener at our house is the Blue Agave Nectar from Young Living (all agave's are not created equal). This golden liquid from the cactus is just as sweet as sugar in taste, but with a glycemic index of 11 - beats even honey and maple syrup as a healthy alternative to sugar.Add a clove or two of raw garlic to your salad for added protection against germs. Garlic is a well-known anti-viral and anti-bacterial herb. Are you into skipping meals? Well you shouldn't. When you need a meal on the go, try a green drink that you can make yourself with a juicer and fresh vegetables or add 1 heaping tablespoon of a nutritional green drink like Juva Power to your favorite juice. For capsule green foods take Vita Green. We even carry a NingXia Red sample packs in our purse for a quick pick-me-up on the go. And now there is Balance Complete - a great tasting power mix with 11 grams of fiber per serving and packed with essential goodness.
ELIMINATION - To help your body defend itself, it is important to be able to get rid of accumulated waste and toxins. This is done primarily through the intestinal tract. The colon often becomes over burdened during the cooler months as we gravitate to the warming soups and stews that are void of digestive enzymes and good fiber. Make it a habit to consume plenty of raw high fiber foods daily, even with your hot meals. For maintaining good bowel movements, add a capsule of Comfortone formula to heal and restore proper bowel movement - not a habit forming laxative, but rather all natural herbs, enzymes and oils that clean and heal the intestinal tract. A little DiGize on the belly does wonders for diarrhea and constipation. Balance Complete's high fiber content helps you "go" with ease - I have pregnant mom's drinking a Balance Complete shake to keep them from being constipated.
WATER - Not much does a body better than fresh pure water. If you are still drinking tap water - STOP. Tests from municipal water supplies around the country show toxins such as fecal matter, bacteria, prescription drug residue, chemicals and much more are increasing at an alarming rate. At least get a sink or pitcher style filter for your drinking, cooking and teeth brushing water. Recent research has revealed that brushing your teeth with an unsanitary toothbrush lengthens the time a person stays sick. Studies also show a link between tooth and gum health and heart disease. All the more reason to use a toothpaste with added essential oils, - Dentarome Plus or Ultra, or drop a bit of Thieves oil directly onto your tooth brush for an exhilarating experience. Plus be sure to add Young Living essential oils to your water - either by the drop or with one of their H2oil Packets in assorted flavors.
AIR & ENVIRONMENT - Our houses stay closed much of the cold season with the heat or fireplace warming the home. Keeping things so tightly closed, keeps the old stale air in for breathing and re-breathing. If someone is even a little under the weather, the air they exhale will be full of germs, now out there for everyone else to breath. An essential oil diffuser with oils such as lemon, eucalyptus, lime, orange, grapefruit, or blends like Purification, Citrus Fresh, Christmas Spirit, RC and Thieves, will help to kill airborne germs and keep the house smelling fresh.*** We now have proof you can share- The brochure 12 Essential Oils that WIPE OUT Disease-Causing Bacteria, Molds and Viruses is available from ESP in packs of ten for $ 12.95. What a wonderful way to share, loaded with scientific documentation and a chart which identifies the most powerful of the oils. Call 1-800-336-6308 and order today......
Be sure to take advantage of the not so cold days when the doors and windows can be opened and swap the old air for some fresh air. How about the countertops in the kitchen and bathroom - a virtual breeding and spreading ground for germs! Not with Thieves Household cleaner, wipes and spray. Carry the wipes or spray with you in your purse for door knobs, handles, grocery cart handles, toilet sets and any surface hundreds of others may touch with who knows what. Don't leave home without your Thieves Spray!
EXERCISE - Get moving, just 20 to 30 minutes per day for at least three days per week will get the blood moving, which helps carry away toxins and brings proper nutrients to the cells. It also keeps the lymphatic vessels moving out waste. Where there is good blood flow there will be no stagnation. A stagnant pond breeds bacteria, algae and starves the water of oxygen with an ultimate end of death. Don't let your blood become a stagnant swamp. A brisk walk in the afternoon sun, work in the garden or yard - pulling, planting, chopping, or if you prefer to stay indoors, put in an exercise video and get moving!
SUPPLIMENTATION - Target your supplementation program to kill the germs and support your immune system. Our family takes the following approach to staying well.
1. We take a broad spectrum all natural multiple vitamin mineral supplement with added enzymes and essential oils for greater absorption -Master Hers/His. We also take Vita-Green an essential oil packed green food supplement - high protein, high energy chlorophyll formula to invigorate the cell. Sticky cells can't receive nutrition or dump toxins. We start our day with a Balance Complete shake. We also take Omega Blue - the world's best omega 3 supplement and Longevity capsules.
2. We drink the world's best antioxidant, NingXia Red to crush free radicals in their tracts, and to boost the immune system. My office is getting several testimonies daily about the incredible results people are getting with this product. Tests by Brunswick Labs confirm there is NO other juice or supplement on the market today that is better!!! We have committed to drinking 4-6 ounces of NingXia Red per day for 6 months, then we figure we can "top off the tank" with an ounce or two daily. What a difference the next 6 months will bring.
3. We daily take a variety of essential oils internally*. Thieves, Oregano, Mt. Savory, Lemon and Frankincense are routinely part of our regimen, with others added depending on the need. For viral conditions use - Melissa, and Ravensara. *Only use Young Living Essential Oils internally, no other brand!
4. We boost our immune system specifically from Thanksgiving to Valentines day with a little extra help. Here are some choices:ImmuneTune - a super antioxidant complex is especially helpful at the first sign of illness. Curcuminoids, essential oils, herbals, nutritionals, all designed to stop the spread of illness within the body.Exodus - supercharged with essential oils, this botanical and nutritional blend provides important immune system support.ImmuPro - chewable, power-packed immune stimulant with wolfberry, medicinal mushrooms, essential oils.
5. We make sure we have Ledum for swollen glands and RC for chest complaints.For added protection against illness, apply a few drops of essential oil to the bottom of the feet - ImmuPower, Oregano, Thieves, Peace & Calming, are good choices.While you do not need to take everything listed above, if you will equip yourself now with some of these powerful illness fighters and start taking the immune system boosters now - then if the flu, the cough, cold or sore throat comes into your house - you can kick him out fast!!!!!SO - the choice is yours - optimal health and wellness with a little prevention or sickness and fatigue just taking a chance. Make good health a priority as this year comes to an end, and on into the new year. As the old saying goes - An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Have a great day!
Debra Raybern, ND, MH, CNC
P.S. Success To Your Wellness,
Good Health-Good Scents
Marketing Team
Friday, November 10, 2006
Essential Nutrition Week
Weight loss with Citrus Fresh, Ledum and Grapefruit
Author: Tiffany Rowan Read my other testimonials
Posted: 2005-05-25
While I was in Dallas in January of 2003 to listen to Gary Young speak, I took notes of his recipe for weight loss. He said that saturation was the key to weight loss and cancer. He described how the body stores environmental toxins in our fat cells to save them from being deposited in our organs and wreaking havoc. Toxins saturate the cells with a filmy layer and prevent them from taking in nutrition. This continues a cycle where we grow more fat cells which can store more toxins and we keep getting larger and larger. We aren't growing more blood veins to carry nutrition to these new outer layers of fat cells, and so we aren't able to effectively loose weight at the rate we would like. Essential oils digest the filmy layer that saturate the cell wall and the essential oil's high content of oxygen piggy backs nutrients into the cell.
I recognized most of the oils in his recipe were in the blend named Citrus Fresh. So I ignored his reciped and I bought Citrus Fresh, Grapefruit, Ledum and some capsules. The Citrus Fresh with Ledum breaks up the fat and the Grapefruit by capsule digests the fat. This is what I did according to memory. I am retelling this story a year and a half later. I lost almost three inches in six weeks. (That's all I had left to lose.) This happened in March/April of 2003. Please keep in mind that cellulite is literally toxins being stored in the fat cells. My experience may have happened more quickly than for some of you because I have been using natural medicines, clean water, and natural personal care products for years. My body has not accumulated the type and amount of toxins that most people have. Please be patient if you have more to lose than I did or if it takes you longer because of the type of toxins you are carrying. Other people have tried to lose inches with Citrus Fresh and Grapefruit without adding the Ledum, or they tried these oils but they diluted them, or they tried using them sparingly. Saturation is the key. Follow this recipe exactly or it won't work for you.
The first night I put ten drops of Ledum into the bottle of Citrus Fresh. I swallowed two capsules, 10 drops each, of Grapefruit. I dotted the bottle of Citrus Fresh about every inch apart across my hips and rounded belly. I wrapped myself in cellophane and went to bed. About two hours later I needed to pee. (Some of these oils are diuretics.) About two hours after that, I was awakened with the feeling that something had broken loose. I continued to feel this throughout the night for about four more times. I had to pee about every two hours, but returned to sleep quickly after each trip to the bathroom. (Try citrus fresh over the liver for a great night's happy sleep).
The cellophane was Dr. Young's recommendation to keep the oils from evaporating and therefore working longer. It made me sweaty so I didn't wear it any more after the first night. For the next two weeks, I continued to generously dot the bottle of Citrus Fresh to my hips and belly and take the two capsules of Grapefruit. I noticed that my left hip was larger than the other because I couldn't reach that side with my right hand. So I stopped putting the Citrus Fresh on the right side until I got the left side evened out. After two weeks, I went to one capsule of Grapefruit a night because I wanted the bottle to last me until the next month when I would order some more. After about the sixth week, I took one capsule every three days for maintenance, and I dotted the Citrus Fresh on about once every week. I became pregnant after that and discontinued both of these oils.
I lost almost three inches in six weeks. My skin firmed up nice and tight. My jaw line firmed up where I put the Citrus Fresh. The grapefruit balanced out my hormones, and I began to have a regular menstrual cycle without pain or discomfort. This regimen did cause the cholesterol to come out in the form of acne, but I kept my complexion clean with lemon oil. I only use Young Living brand essential oils because of their unadulterated purity. Young Living goes through long rigorous processes to guarantee that every bottle exceeds FDA standards and that the essence of every plant is still in tact. DON'T internally take oils from another company. They could harm you. My testimony is based on my experience with Young Living oils and their documented science. I don't trust anyone else.
Nine months after I had my sixth child, I tried this again. The oils sent hormone messages which began my periods again. I had to wait till three months after breastfeeding ended before I could successfully try this again. Except this time I used Cel-Lite Magic. I cannot attribute my weight-loss to JUST Cel-Lite Magic because I began using Power Meal for breakfast, and began applying parts of Chronobiotic Nutrition (protein before 3 and carbs after 3 with no snacking after dinner). I do attribute ALL of my skin-firming and disappearance of spider veins to Cel-Lite Magic.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plan,
Good Health-Good Scents
Markeing Team
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Why Are So Many Americans Unhealthy?

Dear Friends,
The Young Living Explore Your Dreams Regional Conference Celebrations Was A Success In Atlanta Last Night.
David K. Hill, DC - Director of Science And Education, left us with some amazing facts and empowered us with core essentials, primary nutrition. I will share some interesting points with you.
Core Essentials supports the building blocks of total body wellness.
As much as 80% of Your Health is determined by Life style
As little as 20% of Your Health is determined by genetics
A Healthy Diet Needs minerals, vitamins, enzymes, fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants everyday.
95-99% of all Americans have an Omega 3 deficiency - glad we now have Omega Blue!!
Our Brain is 60% fat by weight. 80% of cerebral cortex fats need to be composed of Omega 3 Fatty Acids - yea Omega Blue with 30% more absorption
America Has A Health Crisis
According To The World Health Organization (WHO), The USA Spends More Money On Healthcare Than Any Other Country In The World, Yet It's Overall Quality Ranks 37th.
According to The Center For Disease Control And Prevention,(CDC)-90 % of all M.D. visits are triggered by stress and 90% of stress is triggered by all M. D. visits.
We don't catch disease, we create disease by the breakdown of natural defenses, according to the way we eat, drink, think, and live.
Half of Americans suffer from an inflammation disorder. If the inflammation epidemic isn't reversed in 5-15 years, our medical system will collaspe.
Inflammation is the evil twin of oxidation, where you find one you will find the other in the body
Excessive free radicals in the body leads to aging, inflammation, heart disease, cancer, and more
Change YOUR Diet-avoid processed sugars - stop drinking soda -avoid dairy and other mucus producing foods- control the acid.
The Annual Consumption Of Prescription Medication In The USA IS:
5 Billion Tranquilizers
16 Tons of Aspirin
235 Million Antibiotics
5 Billion Barbiturates
3 Billion Antihistamines
Denmark banned trans fats from the country
New York City has banned trans fats from restaurants
2 out of 3 babies receive Antibiotics before the age of 1
Every 45.2 seconds someone dies from a heart attack
A century ago, the average adult consumed 18 pounds of sugar per year
Today, annual average sugar consumption in the USA is a staggering 176 pounds per person (this is nearly 1000% more sugar than 100 years ago!)
29% of The American Diet is Junk food (A Los Angeles Times Poll)
80% of Americans are overweight
America's Health Crisis Is:
- An Aging Population - 44 Million have Arthritis
- 1.1 Million Deaths - Cardio Vascular Disease
- 18 Million Diabetics
- 770,000 Cancer Deaths - colon 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths and esophageal the fastest
- 40% of all cancers related to poor diet and lack of exercise
P.S. Success To Your Welless Plan,
Good Health-Good Scents
Marketing Team