4. The human cells damaged by Free Radicals and how to protect your DNA.
The overuse of antibiotics, the depletion of nutrients from our foods, and the daily exposure we get to noxious chemicals in the air, water, and common household products has left millions of people (including children) with compromised immune systems, chronic illness, and symptoms of rapid premature aging.
If free radicals remain unchecked, they can even attack DNA, the blueprint used to create each new cell in the body. If not repaired, damaged DNA copies itself to new cells created. In this manner, each new cell is damaged, and mutation can occur...
- The Blessings - blessing the food has been thought by some humans to promote nutrition and healing by raising the vibration of the food.
Carcinogens in prepared foods...
- Better that we ask God to bless our proper selection of more complete foods as we go shopping.
Read labels and do not choose foods with sulfites....
- Ask Her to bless the preparation of the food that God has abundantly supplied for our daily use.
Certified organic wolfberries, blueberries, raspberries, apricots, and pomegranate are dark fruits containing the highest food antioxidant capacity are synergized to make NingXia Red the world's most powerful food antioxidant on the market today.
- Ask Her to bless the animal, fish, or fowl we did NOT kill and be better sustained with fresh fruits, vegetables, and seeds.
The American Heart Association recommends food antioxidants...
- Better to ask God to give us KNOWLEDGE to keep our bodies strong and healthy so we will not have to ask to heal an ailing body that we produced.
- Blame not God for the many illnesses and diseases you humans have created.
- Better that you ask God for Her blessings and forgiveness, and to give you the strength and wisdom to properly apply knowledge of Her simple laws.
- Have You Had Your Glass Of NingXia Red Food Antioxidant Today?
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P.S. success to Your Wellness Plans,
Emma Sanford, RN
Founder & Wellness Consultant
Good Health - Good Scents