Tuesday, October 31, 2006
How Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils Really Work.
Therapeutic - Grade Essential Oils Work Differently From Any Other Natural Substance!
The olfactory bulb carries molecules and impulses into the brain area where our emotional memory is stored.
Scent stimulates nerves to fire in the emotional center of the brain, but it also stimulates the master gland to release hormones. Hormones affect the fight/flight response, as well as digestion and heart rate. In this way, Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils can affect us in many ways all at once, just through their fragrance.
But therapeutic-grade essential oils also have a complex chemical structure, designed and produced by nature, which makes the use of essential oils uniquely economical! For example, when Lavender Oil is applied to a wound, over sore muscles, a broken bone, or a burn, it can support the body's natural self-healing processes in all those areas. Or it might stimulate the immune system or balance blood pressure, or relieve a tension headache, or help you go to sleep.
And finally, therapeutic-grade essential oils can affect us just through their subtle energy. They have a presence that touches us deeply, and can change our feelings and our thoughts in an instant. This, you will have to experience to believe!
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plans,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Side Effects Of Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils
- You may discover increase energy levels: causing you to clean house and do outside chores that you have been putting off for months or years.
- You may decide that you like to exercise instead of hating it: causing you to lose 30 minutes to 1 hour every day.
- A decrease of pain in your joints and body: may cause you to get more sleep.
- You may find hair growing in the bald spot on your head.
- Symptoms of fungus like Candida (yeast infection) and toe fungus might disappear: causing you to stop having discomfort due to rash and itching.
- You may discover that your eyesight is improving: causing you to have to change your eye prescription.
- Stomach disorders, IBS, and other associated discomforts may cease: causing people to not recognize your presence due to a reduction of belching and releasing stinky aromas.
- You may lose unwanted excess pounds: causing your clothes to hang on you; causing you to have to go through your closets and drawers to organize a garage sale or give them away to charity organizations. Ultimately causing you stress since you will be unable to find anything that fits: causing you to have to shop to buy smaller sizes.
- You may discover diminished thoughts of depression and suicide cease: causing you to change your feelings about yourself, your family, friends and life in general.
- You may find that trips to the doctor and hospital become infrequent: causing you to lose anxiety, stress and financial concerns.
- You may find a decreased need for prescriptions drugs: causing money to appear in your wallet or purse.
- You may discover that there is a God after all, that loves you and above all things wants, you to prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers!
Have a Happy Halloween This Year
Dear Friends,
May YOUR Halloween be healthy, safe, and happy this year with more treats than tricks. May you treat yourself by claiming your place among those who enjoy and value the benefits of optimal health.
How possible would it be to let people know exactly what it is that you want for your treats?
While Therapeutic - Grade Essential Oils are neither food nor medicine, they sometimes act as if they were! They are, in a word, mysterious. They are also unique in nature, different from any other natural product you have ever tried, enhancing every part of your body, mind, and spirit, with just one or two drops at a time. Therapeutic - Grade Essential Oils are hydrocarbons and have been called "God's Love Manifest in Molecules."
Monday, October 30, 2006
Good Health - Good Scents Wellness Tools - Weekly Ezine Sign-up
Are YOU Looking For A Simple Proven Alternative HEALING Tool? Are you or someone you know thinking of a career in Wellness Consulting/Health Coaching? Ask me how Good Health – Good Scents Wellness Tools will help you build and keep a profitable Wellness Consulting/Health Coaching business even after you retire.
If YOUR Answer Is YES!
Oil Of The Month
10% Off BASIL Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil - 15ml

HerbalGram - Access the archives of the peer-reviewed journal of the American Botanical Council.
HerbMedPro - Hyperlinked access to the scientific data underlying the use of herbs for health.
And you can enjoy this versatile oil at a 10% discount now through November 15!
Promotion details:
This promotion runs now through November 15, 2006.
This offer is available on regular orders, through the Automated Phone System, and on autoship and Essential Rewards autoship if the order is processed on or before November 15.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Raising Awareness In Atlanta, GA

RAISING WELLNESS AWARENESS: You don't want to miss this vital information. Make it easy, just mark your calendar so that you won't forget it.
November 8, 20067 7– 10 p.m.
Explore the Dream Regional Celebrations
Atlanta, Georgia
Renaissance Concourse Hotel Atlanta
One Hartsfield Centre Pkwy
Atlanta, Georgia 30354
404-209-9999 (for directions only)
Cost: $10 per person
Experience the energy of the most memorable celebration in our history!
Join corporate executives and leading Young Living representatives for an informational evening of training and education. Learn more about our mission, experience our newest products, and Explore the Dream with us!
In-depth product information
Free giveaways
Business training
Special promotions
Peer recognition
Product samples
Click here for a printable PDF flyer!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
What Are Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils?
An essential oil is a volatile, aromatic liquid that is distilled from the roots, bark, leaves, stems, and flowers of plants. Freshly cultivated and steam distilled life-enhancing gifts from the plant kingdom, revered for centuries for their restorative properties to body, mind, and spirit.
Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils are much more potent than the herbs or plants they come from (one drop of peppermint therapeutic-grade essential oil is the same as 28 cups of tea.) It takes hundreds or even thousands of pounds of raw herbs to produce a single pound of Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil.
Neither food or medicine, Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils are key solutions to the wellness challenges facing our modern lifestyles.
Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils are not like pharmaceutical drugs that carry complications and can make you dependent on them for the rest of your life. Many individuals have experienced total healing from using Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils.
P.S. Wuccess To Your Wellness Plan,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Discover The Healing Power of Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils

Dear Friends,
Good Health- Good Scents, Sincerely Welcome YOU From Atlanta,GA To The Wonderful World of Therapeutic - Grade Essential Oils "The Oil Story" and 101 Reasons Why You Should Not Leave Home Without Them!
The purest, aromatic essential oils and other quality ingredients define the Essential Living line. This exclusive product line delivers safe, natural, and effective solutions for skin care, hair care, oral hygiene, bath, and household products. Living well and looking better never felt so good.
For daily nutrient protection or for targeted body system support, nothing is superior to our Essential Nutrition product line. Our pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils blend with the best whole superfoods and nutraceuticals for a remarkable effect. When you take NingXia Red or any of our nutritional products, there's a difference you will notice almost immediately.
Used aromatically, applied topically, or taken internally, Young Living's essential oils can calm, energize, balance, purify, and rejuvenate the mind and body. Young Living's line of pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils and unique essential oil blends are sourced from the world’s finest plants. Our oils are not diluted with chemical and synthetic additives and are carefully prepared to maintain plant integrity. This commitment to purity makes Young Living’s essential oils the world’s premium essential oil line.
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team
Add Life to Your Years, Not Just Years to Your Life!
Dear Freiends,
Did YOU know that we humans are exposed to more toxins in one day and toxicity from food, water, stress, pollutants, and people than some of our grandparents were in their entire lifetime. We dump enough toxins a day to fill 18 wheelers end to end from Los Angeles, CA to Des Moines, Iowa.
Each day there is so much information out there about free radicals and how elevated superoxides are linked to heart disease, cancer, asthma, arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.
NingXia Red Juice, formulated to maintain and support normal immune function; contains five ot the riches sources of free-radical-fighting antioxidants: NingXia wolfberry puree, blueberry, pomegranate, apricot, and raspberry juices; includes the therapeutic-grade essentail oils of lemon and orange, which contain the phytochemical d-limonene to promote normal cell life cycles; has polysaccharides that support proper cell communication and will not spike blood sugar levels. NingXia Red Juice has captured longevity and vitality in a bottle and individual packs.
NingXia Red Juice offers the highest protection against the dangerous superoxide free radical.
P.S. Success To Your Wellness Plan,
Good Health - Good Scents
Marketing Team